part 17

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i woke up at 10, i tried getting up but quinton was holding on to me really tight so i couldn't move. i gave up and started cuddling quinton again, i put my arm around him and i dug my face into his chest.

time skip: 30 min

lauren swings our door open, quinton jumps up and stared at her and i slowly get up

cynthia: what do you want lauren

lauren: what are you guys doing? LETS GOOO

quinton: where are we going?

lauren: there's a beach near our cabin so everyone is planning on going in like 30 minutes because it's really hot right now

cynthia: ok ok were up

quinton: speak for yourself i'm going back to bed

cynthia: no come on

i dragged him out of bed

lauren: why is he so tired? we slept early yesterday

cynthia: uhh, he didn't get much sleep yesterday

lauren: ooo what kept him up?

cynthia: jesus lauren *i say while laughing and dragging quinton to the bathroom*

lauren left the room and i took quinton into the shower

cynthia: take a shower while i get changed

quinton: shower with me

cynthia: no, i'm getting changed!

i try walking out but quinton grabs me by the waist and pulls me into the shower

cynthia: QUINTON!

he starts laughing and i slap his arm

cynthia: now my clothes are wet

quinton: i mean you could always take em off

i roll my eyes as i take off my clothes, quinton starts kissing my neck.

cynthia: focus on showering

quinton: i can't with you here

he continues to kiss my neck and slowly kiss my collarbone. i grab the shampoo and pour it on his head and start massaging his head.

quinton: it's in my eyes!

cynthia: good

we finish taking a shower and walk out with towels around us and see josh standing in our room

cynthia: what

josh clenches his jaw when he sees us

josh: hurry up, we're leaving in 10 minutes

he leaves and slams the door really loud

cynthia: what the fuck

quinton: let's get changed

we finished changing and i wore this

we finished changing and i wore this

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