part 9

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Cynthias POV:
i slowly start to open my eyes and i see quinton, mads, jaden and josh hovering over me

mads: she's awake

i hear quinton sigh in relief

i try getting up but my body is too weak

mads: lay down, try and rest

cynthia: what-what happened?

jaden: that doesn't matter right now

i see josh clench his jaw and nessa come in the room and try to come him down

i hear josh yelling from a far

josh: that bitch deserves to go to jail, not to the hospital

nessa: we're lucky he's in the hospital, quinton could have gotten arrested

i look at quinton and he looks really sad, i want to hug him so bad but i am so exhausted. i think he could tell because he sat down on the bed and laid down beside me

quinton: i am so sorry baby

cynthia: it's not your faul-
my eyes start to shut and i fall asleep

1 hour later

i wake up and q is playing with my hair, everyone else left the room and the light is off but the small lamp on my night stand is on

cynthia: hey baby

i think i startled quinton because he jumped a bit

quinton: your up

i smile and lift myself up, i put my head on quintons shoulder and put my arm around him.
quinton turned to me and hugged me

cynthia: did i pass out?

quinton: yeah, the paramedics told us that you were under a lot of stress and it is very common for someone to pass out for that reason

cynthia: what happened to blake

quinton: let's not talk about that right now

i checked the time and it's 1 am

cynthia: babe, it's 1 am, we have school tomorrow and the project is due, we didn't finish

quinton: baby please don't worry about that, your more important to me right now and i'm not worried about the project

cynthia: i'm fine, let's just do it right now

quinton: you just focus on resting, i'll take care of it

cynthia: but baby

quinton cut me off and kissed my cheek, he put his arm over my waist and pulled me closer to him. i kissed him and we ended up making out until josh walked in the room

josh: hey, i don't want to bother you guys but i just wanted to ask, are you okay cyn?

cynthia: i'm doing great * i smile at him and open my arms for him to hug me*

josh stared at me then sighed, he walked towards me and hugged me

after hugging josh, he left the room and i went back to cuddling quinton. we fell asleep.

my alarm went off at 6:30 and i flew up, i took a shower and came out of the bathroom to see q still sleeping. i went over to him and kissed him

cynthia: baby it's time to wake up, we have school

quinton: i don't wanna go

he pulled me on top of him and hugged me

cynthia: baby i'm gonna make you wet, i just took a shower

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