good news

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i woke up at 11 am at my dads house and packed my clothes to go back to my moms house. josh and i got ready but dad wasn't awake yet so we ubered.

mom: hi babies, i've missed you guys so much

cynthia: we missed you too

mom didn't ask us what happened and we went up to our rooms to unpack. while i was unpacking, i got a call from quinton

quinton: hi baby

cynthia: hi bub

quinton: i've got something to tell you

cynthia: what is it

quinton: i got my passport!!

cynthia: OMGG!!

quinton: when you do you want me to book my flight

cynthia: right now!

quinton: i'll let my manager know

cynthia: i'm so excited!

quinton: me too, i've missed you

cynthia: i missed you too

quinton: i got to go call my management

cynthia: ok but call me tonight and let me know what happens

quinton: ok love you

cynthia: love you

we hung up and i went downstairs to eat something

mom: how was your dads house

cynthia: uh, he's changed a bit so it's different but it was ok

i lied because i don't want my mom to hire her lawyers and make things worse with dad

mom: i'm glad to hear that

i spent a couple hours on my phone and watching tv and then quinton called me

quinton: hey baby, i have good news

cynthia: what is it

quinton: i can come to canada in 2 days!

cynthia: I CANT WAIT!

quinton: i can't either!

i spent the night talking to quinton as he was packing

sorry this is short but the next chapter will be longer

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