covid test

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it's been a week into lockdown and the government hasn't said anything about when we're going back to normal

we're all sitting in the living room talking

josh: i'm soo bored i wanna go out

cynthia: don't be like bryce, he's barely even at home

josh: don't worry, i'm not planning on actually leaving

quinton: i haven't left since the first day, we did that as a joke but i don't think bryce gives a shit about covid

bryce walked into the house right after we talked about him

cynthia: speaking of the devil

bryce: uhh, i have to tell you guys something

quinton: what is it

bryce: i wasn't feeling too good today so i went to get tested

cynthia: what were your results

bryce: i'm not sure, i haven't received them yet

quinton: go up to your room until you get it, just to be safe

bryce: ok

bryce went up and i was filled with anger

cynthia: i knew this was going to happen

quinton: we don't even know if he has it

cynthia: well if he does, every single person in this house has to quarantine for 2 weeks

quinton: we're already on lockdown so it wouldn't matter

cynthia: yeah i guess your right

quinton: have you gone near him at all?

cynthia: not that i can think of

quinton: well that's good, at least your not sick

time skip: next morning

i woke up in bed and noticed that quinton wasn't there so i got up and walked out of the room

quinton: good morning baby

cynthia: good morning beb, why aren't you in bed

quinton: i'm waiting for bryces results to come in

cynthia: has he gotten up yet?

quinton: i don't think so

a couple minutes go by and we hear scream


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