quinton comes to canada

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my alarm went off at 8 am, i got ready to go the the airport and put on makeup and a cute outfit.

my alarm went off at 8 am, i got ready to go the the airport and put on makeup and a cute outfit

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i ate breakfast and drove to the airport with josh.

we got to the airport a bit early so we sat on our phones until quinton and nessa's flight got called

josh: let's go

we walked over and waited until we saw them. i ran to quinton and jumped into his arms hugging him tightly

cynthia: BABY

quinton: i've missed you so much

we kiss and continue hugging for a couple minutes

josh: i would like to show nessa our house anytime now so if you two can release, it would be great

quinton and i stopped hugging and walked towards the car. josh drove and we sat in the back while nessa sat in the passenger seat. quinton had his arm around me the entire ride back home

time skip: home

cynthia: mom we're back!

mom: i'm glad to finally meet the famous quinton and nessa!

nessa: we're glad to be here and meet you mrs. richards

mom: oh please call me tonya!

nessa: of course

quinton: i've heard a lot and it's great to finally meet you

mom: likewise

mom: i bet the four of you have some catching up to do, i won't bother you guys

mom walked away leaving us all in the living room. we all awkwardly stood there until a broke the silence

cynthia: beb, why don't i show you my room

i held his hand and guided him through my house and into my room

quinton: damn no house tour

cynthia: don't need one if your going to be staying in here the entire time

quinton: ahahaha

cynthia: i'm kidding, i'll give you one later. but now, it's cuddle time!

quinton laughed as i cuddled him

cynthia: are you jet legged

quinton: yeah, i'm tired

cynthia: do you want to take a nap and go out for lunch?

quinton: yeah that sounds great

we took a nap and woke up at 12

quinton: we passed outttt

cynthia: i might just go back to sleep

quinton: you sure your not the one jet legged?

cynthia: ahahah

quinton: we should get ready for lunch

cynthia: yeah, your suitcase is in the hallway

we got changed and left the house for lunch

A/N: ⚠️TW: mentions of ellie zieler⚠️
THE QUINTON, CYNTHIA AND ELLIE THING JUST HAPPENED. if you've read so far you can already tell i'm not a huge fan of ellie

we went to a restaurant across the street and ate sandwiches

quinton: when are you next seeing your dad

cynthia: i'm supposed to see him in a couple days, but i don't really want to

quinton: i'm sure your dad still loves you and cares about you, he's just going through a tough patch

cynthia: yeah i know.... hey! do you want to come with josh and i

quinton: i don't know...

cynthia: he'll want to meet you and i need you there

quinton: ok i will

i smiled and hugged him

quinton: we should probably head back now

cynthia: yeah

we ubered back home and chilled in the living room cuddling and watching movies with nessa and josh for the rest of the night

i'm sorry the chapters are short, i have no motivation or any ideas but i hope you enjoyed

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