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today's our second day in mexico, i woke up at 8 and everyone else was asleep so i took Koko out for a walk, we walked around the beach and by the time we were back, everyone was awake

quinton: good morning baby

cynthia: good morning

quinton comes over to me and places his hand on my back and we kiss

quinton: i guess i won't be the first face you see every morning now huh

cynthia: Koko and then you

i say while holding up Koko and kissing him

quinton: i'll take Koko, why don't you eat some breakfast

i hand Koko over to quinton and eat avocado toast, i see quinton playing with Koko and i start to laugh

bryce: we're swimming with sharks today right

cynthia: who's idea was it to swim with sharks? why not dolphins

bryce: because CYntHia sharks are better

cynthia: said no one ever

bryce: i said it

cynthia: exactly, your a nobody

bryce: you always have something to say about me

cynthia: it's just payback from when you bullied me

bryce: i don't take back any of it

cynthia: i don't take back what i said either

josh: OKAY let's just go

we left Koko and Blaze in their play pen since were only going to be gone for a couple hours

we arrived at the place and checked in. we had to wait a couple minutes before they let us in.

there were big pool looking things and there were toothless sharks swimming around, i start to get nervous while looking at them and i guess quinton noticed because he wrapped his hand around my waist

quinton: you don't need to do this if you don't want to

cynthia: i'm just nervous that's all

i gave him a half smile and turned my head to the instructor. he was telling us about the rules

once we were done listening the the instructor, he told us we can get in a few people at a time. of course bryce went in first


quinton left my side and hopped in the pool. i saw some sharks around him, i got really anxious because of how close they were to him but they didn't do anything so i started to calm down

quinton: BABE GET IN

i took a deep breath and started walking towards him and the pool

i got in and the water was so cold, i wrapped my arms around my body as i slowly walked towards quinton, he reached his arm out and i grabbed it

quinton: see it's not that bad

cynthia: yeah...

after a couple minutes, i calmed down and actually started liking the sharks.

josh: our times up, we have to leave

cynthia: but their so cute

quinton: i think your the most confusing person ever

i playfully roll my eyes at him as i was getting out

haven't updated in a while but sorry cuz this is short

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