part 25

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quinton and i woke up after our nap

quinton: damn we passed out *in a raspy/sleepy voice*

i was laying on his chest and stayed silent because i hate waking up after naps

quinton kissed my head and turned his phone on, it's 1 am!

i jump up

cynthia: 1? how did we sleep for so long

quinton: no idea

i placed my head back on his chest and started to play with my fingers

cynthia: are you tired

quinton: no

cynthia: me either

quinton: do you think the others are asleep?

cynthia: i don't know, do you wanna check?

quinton: yeah let's go

i jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his waist and we walked out our room, the lights were turned off and it was quiet.

cynthia: i guess everyone's asleep *i whisper*

quinton: yeah

quinton walks down the hall and downstairs

cynthia: where are we going

quinton: you'll see

he walks towards the backyard and i knew what he was doing so i try getting off of him but he held me tightly, when we reach the pool, he dropped me in. i was wearing shorts a a sports bra so i didn't get too mad about my clothes.

cynthia: QUINTON!

quinton starts to laugh

cynthia: it's so colddddd

i get out of the water and open my arms for a hug and quinton starts running

cynthia: come here

i reach up to him and hug him

quinton: noo your wet

cynthia: i thought u liked that

his mouth opened and he was shocked so i took that opportunity to push him into the water, but he held on to me so we both fell in

quinton: so cold

cynthia: now you know how it feels

quinton: let's get out

cynthia: yeah

we walked out of the pool and walked into the house drenched, making the floors wet. we run up to our room and into the bathroom

cynthia: we're making the mats all wet

quinton: let's go into the shower

we go into the shower with our clothes on and wash the chlorine off our hair. i take my clothes off and take a normal shower because i didn't want my clothes to prevent the chlorine from washing off me. quinton started to kiss my neck and started touching my breasts and i pulled away teasing him. i handed him the shampoo

cynthia: this is the shampoo, i think you made a mistake

quinton: mhm

he started laughing and we finished showering

sorry this part was short, i have writers block so pls comment what you want to happen next because i have no clue

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