settling in

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after unpacking, quinton came into my room and we sat on my bed until quintons mom called us down for dinner.

quintons mom: DINNER IS READY

quinton and i sat on one side of the table and his mom and dad sat on the opposite side. we had pasta and it was delicious, after we finished eating, we talked for a bit, i was distracted by quinton placing his arm on my thigh, he was slowly moving it up my thigh and i had to hold in my smile because i didn't want his parents to know what he was doing.

cynthia: dinner was amazing thanks mrs. and mr. griggs

quintons mom: oh please call us crystal and john

cynthia: *laughs* ok i will

quinton: cynth, you wanna see my truck?

john: oh yeah, quinton loves his truck

cynthia: yeah let's see it

quinton held my hand and walked me to his garage where his truck was parked. it was one of the biggest trucks i've seen and the wrapping was so unique

 it was one of the biggest trucks i've seen and the wrapping was so unique

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cynthia: this is sickk

quinton: it's very loud too, let's go

cynthia: your gonna drive?

quinton: yeah come on

we sat in his car and we drove around his neighborhood for a bit until we came to a sudden stop

cynthia: why did we stop

quinton: i just wanted to spend some time with you alone

i blushed and look down, quinton lifted my chin

quinton: don't hide that from me

i laughed and moved onto his lap wrapping my legs around his waist whilst putting my head on his chest

quinton: how do you like it here?

cynthia: i love it

quinton: see, i told you my parents will love you

cynthia: i guess i overreacted

quinton: it's gonna be hard sleeping alone for the next 2 weeks

cynthia: small price to pay for staying here with your parents

quinton: you think being away from me at night is a small price to pay

cynthia: you know i didn't mean it like that

quinton: i'm just messing with you

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