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i ran downstairs and into the living room to ask josh if he would let me go on tour with quinton

cynthia: JOSH! i need to talk to you

josh: one sec cyn i'm playing rn i'll talk to you in a bit

cynthia: but it's important

josh sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes but eventually he turned his focus to me

josh: what is it?

cynthia: soooo..... you know how jaden is going on tour

josh: oh no

cynthia: you haven't even heard what i said

josh: i can tell what's coming

cynthia: pleaseeee let me go!!

josh: absolutely not

cynthia: why not!
i scowled and gave him the dirtiest look

josh: when mom and dad let us come to LA they made sure you were under my supervision the entire time. i don't think you running off with quinton without me is you being under my supervision

cynthia: first of all, i'm almost 17 years old i don't need my big brother to take care of me i'm well off on my own and second, i'm not running away with quinton, we are going on tour to some states

josh: look it's not up to me, it's up to mom and dad, and we both know what their answer is going to be...... no

cynthia: they don't have to know, i'll do anything please

josh: i'm sorry cyn, but i can't

cynthia: aughhhh!

i screamed and ran up the stairs tearing up, what am i supposed to tell quinton? he's already questioning even going on this tour because it may affect our relationship and now that i can't go it's just going to make everything worse.

i can't be the reason he doesn't go on tour....

this could be life changing for him, especially his career and if he knows i won't be able to go, there's no way in hell he'd leave

i know what i have to do even if it'll break me

i have to break up with him

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