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quinton recently published one of his songs which was Chaos, i am so proud of him and everyone seems to enjoy it


quinton picked my up from the ground and started spinning, i couldn't help but laugh due to my excitement

jaden walked into the room "dude, my manager just called and they asked if we would be up to go on a tour"

quinton put me down so i was standing

quinton responded hesitantly
"that's amazing, what did you say"

"i said i'm down if you coop and nessa come along"

"are they letting nessa and i preform" quinton asked


"that'll get my songs more publicity i think it will be great for my career" quinton said

"i agree" i said while nodding

"well when is it jaden?"

"depending on how fast tickets sell out, we can be on the road by next week"

"next week?! i didn't expect it to be so soon" quinton said worriedly

"me neither but the fans want it and the managers want to have it now in case they lose interest"

"how long will we be gone for?"

"about 3 months" jaden responded

"uhh i'll get back to you sometime today" quinton rubbed his head like he does when he's stressed

"dude this is a one in a life time opportunity why are you hesitating" jaden said looking at quinton as if he said the dumbest thing ever

"yeah this is huge" i agreed

"I don't know, i don't think i'm ready"

"you are! your amazing" i can't believe he doesn't think he's ready

quinton shrugged and i pulled him aside to our room

( a.n. i tried writing in that style but it's too much work so i'm just gonna go back to how i always write)

cynthia: "what's up? i know you not being ready isn't whats making you not want to do this"

quinton: they're just more important things in my life right now

cynthia: like what?

quinton: like you, are you going to stay here away from me for 3 months or are you willing to come with me? away from josh, away from your friends?

cynthia: i-i.. haven't thought about that

quinton: well i have and i'm not letting you decide between the two, i can always do another tour

cynthia: you don't know that, this could be a one in a life time opportunity

quinton: i'm willing to take my chances

cynthia: i'm not! so i'm going to figure things out with josh and see what happens

quinton: so... your asking him if you can come with me on tour?

cynthia: yes

quinton picked me up and spun me around the room

quinton: i didn't want to ask but since you've said it, i really want you to come

i smiled as he set me down

cynthia: okay just give me an hour to sort things out with josh and the others and i'll  get back to you

quinton nodded as i made my way downstairs....

sorry for taking almost a month to update, to be honest i've lost motivation to write especially this story since i've grown up and i'm not as interested in quinthia as much. i don't know when the next time i update will be but i made it a cliffhanger so i can pick up from here next time. hope you enjoyed :)

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