part 18

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today was the day we were leaving so everyone woke up early so we can be back home before it gets too late. my alarm went off at 7 and it took a while but i finally got up, my legs were trembling and i was yawning crazy because i didn't get much sleep last night.

i got changed into comfy clothes and woke quinton up. this is what i wore

cynthia: quinton wake up we gotta go

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cynthia: quinton wake up we gotta go

quinton: 5 more minutes

i walk over to him and grab his hand pulling him off the bed.

quinton: babyy please

cynthia: you can sleep in the car

quinton: can you pass me my shirt

i picked up his shirt from the ground and passed it to him

we got ready and walked to the living room where everyone was.

cooper: everyone ready?

quinton: yup

sabrina: can you and cynthia please ride with us again!

cynthia: yeah sure

josh: why don't you just ride with nessa and i? we're going home anyways

cynthia: i don't want to

josh: you haven't spoken to me once this entire trip, get over yourself

cynthia: get over myself? how about you get over YOURSELF, instead of apologizing for making us crash, you keep trying to split me and a up

josh: i'm not even trying to do that anymore what are u on

cynthia: then apologize

josh: fine i'm sorry

cynthia: apology not accepted, it's the fact that you had to wait until i told you to apologize for you to even say it.

josh: your crazy

cynthia: fuck you

i grabbed q's hand and walked out to sab and coopers car. we sat in the back waiting for everyone

cynthia: i fucking hate josh

quinton: babe, don't you think your overreacting a bit

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