part 20

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i woke up at 10 cuddling with quinton, he was still asleep so i scrolled through instagram for a bit. I came across a post in tiktokroom and it was of ellie saying she wants quinton and that she's going to take him from me. i wasn't threatened by her but it just made me uncomfortable when i saw the post. i didn't want to start unnecessary drama so i just ignored it.

after 30 minutes, quinton woke up

quinton: hey baby

cynthia: hey beb

i leaned over to him and kissed him and he kissed me back

quinton: what time is it

cynthia: 10:30

quinton: shit, i have football practice today

cynthia: no you don't

quinton: yeah i do, it's monday and practice is at 11

i started to laugh a bit because he forgot he tore his ACL

quinton: what are you laughing at

cynthia: did you forget about your ACL

quinton: fuckkkk

i smiled and snuggled into his chest, he put he's arm over me.

cynthia: did you see tiktokroom

quinton: no i just woke up

cynthia: oh ok

quinton: why what is it

he opens his phone and checks tiktokroom

quinton: oh uhm

cynthia: she's obsessed

quinton starts laughing kisses me

cynthia: my manager just texted me, he said nach has a meeting with sway and hype today

quinton: i don't remember them mentioning a meeting

cynthia: i don't know but they said it's in an hour so let's get ready

quinton: ok

i wore this

we drove to the managements office and met up with sway and nach and walked in

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we drove to the managements office and met up with sway and nach and walked in. quinton and i sat beside each other.

manager: hey guys, i bet your all confused to why your here but i'll explain in just a sec

ellie: sorry i'm late

manager: no problem, just take a seat.

ellie sat across quinton and i and she kept staring at quinton, i rolled my eyes because she looked so desperate

manager: basically, we need you guys to gain more views so you guys either need to start drama with each other or join together

lauren: but sway and nach are good, why would we start drama

manager: well not necessarily nach and sway but nach and sway vs hype

anthony: and what if we don't want to start drama

manager: well the other option is moving in together in a big house we found and starting a reality show

olivia: that actually doesn't sound too bad

josh: speak for yourself

josh eyed down chase, josh hates chase because he broke my heart and he wants to get with nessa.

bryce: we've already gotten into drama multiple times so i think the fans would expect it by now

manager: great so you guys are moving in together

cynthia: but-

ellie: can quinton and i share a room

cynthia: what the fuck

quinton: no thanks

ellie: it'll be great for the reality show

quinton: i said no!

ellie: whatever

once the meeting was over, quinton put his arm around me and we walked out to our car. when we got outside, i saw jaden and josh walk towards us

jaden: i knew you would go crawling back to her

quinton: shut up dude

jaden: i mean now you got ellie too, both are hot but who is it gonna be

quinton: cynthia *he kisses my cheek*

josh: jaden shut up, that's my little sister

jaden: i'm just asking a question

josh: she doesn't need to hear your crap

i can't believe josh was standing up for me, i didn't expect him to do that in front of one of his closest friends. he looked at me and i smiled and he smiled back.

we got back home and i rode with josh because quinton had to go to sway to pack for the new house.

cynthia: thanks for standing up for me

josh: anytime sis

i give him and awkward look and he laughs because he knows how much i hate it when he calls me sis.
when i got home, i facetimed the girls (nessa, avani, addison, lauren, mads, madi, sabrina, eva, devy, anna, olivia) we all packed together and were really excited to be moving in together

cynthia: why was ellie at the meeting today?

olivia: i think she's joining hype or something

cynthia: ew why

olivia: i don't know but i don't want her living with us

cynthia: same

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