test results

182 4 0


cynthia: you did? what is it?

bryce: one sec it's loading

quinton: well?...

bryce: the test it's...

cynthia: it's what bryce?

bryce: it's positive

cynthia: i can't believe this

quinton: are you sure bryce, check again

bryce: i can see, it says positive in bold

cynthia: if you weren't so irresponsible this wouldn't have happened! now we all have to pay for your mistakes!

quinton: cyn, stop

quinton dragged me out from the hallway and pushed me towards our room

cynthia: what are you doing

quinton: yelling at him won't make a difference

cynthia: at this point i don't care if it will make a difference or not, i want to say what i've been keeping in a for a very long time now

quinton: i'm not trying to defend him in any way, but i'm sure he knows he made a mistake

cynthia: yeah he did

quinton puts his arms on my shoulders and looks me in my eye

quinton: how are you doing? do you have any symptoms

cynthia: i don't know! i'm not sure how i'm feeling right now because i have so much anger built up

quinton: do you want to get tested? just because bryce has it doesn't mean we do

cynthia: there's no point, we most likely have it since we're living with him

quinton: yeah your right

cynthia: should we let the others know

quinton: let's leave bryce to handle that

cynthia: okay but i'm hungry and i want to see everyone's reaction so can we go downstairs to where they are and make breakfast and watch

quinton: yeah sure, whatever

i laugh as he rolls his eyes

we walked downstairs and into the kitchen while we heard everyone's panics coming from the living room

quinton: what are we making

cynthia: since the only thing here is a bagel and cream cheese, let's just do that

quinton: okay

we made the bagel and cream cheese sandwich thing and walked into the living room where everyone was

lauren: cynthia do you know what's happening

cynthia: mhm

lauren: how are you so calm

quinton: she wasn't until 5 minutes ago

i laugh

lauren: i guess we're all quarantining together!! yay

cynthia: sooo excited

lauren and cynthia say sarcastically

quinton and i finished our bagels then went back up to our room and laid on our bed.
i felt a bit dizzy and my head was pounding

cynthia: i'm so dizzy, i can't even look straight and my head hurts so bad

quinton: do you think your symptoms are coming in?

cynthia: i don't know... maybe?

quinton: this is all my fault, if i had said something to stop bryce from going out, you wouldn't be in this position. you'd be healthy and not in pain

cynthia: it's not your fault

i set my head on his chest

quinton: your burning up, i think you have a fever

cynthia: i'm so tired

quinton: do you want to take a nap bubbas

cynthia: mhm

quinton placed the blanket on top of the both of us and i fell asleep on his chest as he was touching my hair. soon after i felt his drop on top of mine. we both fell asleep

i kind of made this chapter long since the last few were short but i hope you enjoy!

also on cynthias triller live, her mom said she's going back to cali in a few weeks so i can't wait!!!!

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