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i facetimed quinton as soon as i reached my room and started crying

cynthia: i-i just can't believe they're getting a d-d-divorce after all this time

quinton: i wish i was there right now to comfort you.

cynthia: me too

quinton: it's going to take a while but your going to get used to it and the thought of it won't be so painful

cynthia: i just never thought that this day would come

quinton: what can i do to cheer you up

cynthia: get your passport and come here as soon as you can

i say while laughing and crying

quinton: i'm working on it

i see jaden coming into quintons room

jaden: SIMP

quinton: shut up dude

jaden: *mocks quinton* "cynthia *makes kissing sound* i miss youuuu"

quinton: i don't sound like that

cynthia: you should hang out with them, i'm just gonna watch netflix or something

quinton: no it's fine i want to stay call with you

cynthia: no, you should have fun, not sit on facetime with me crying

quinton: but-

cynthia: i'll be fine, just go have fun!

quinton: i'll call you later i promise

cynthia: bye, i love you

quinton: love you too, bye

i hang up and cry some more, i want to talk to him and be with him so bad but i know if he hangs out with his friends he will have fun and i don't want him to feel bad while watching me cry

i lay in bed all day and watch netflix until josh comes into my room

josh: hey, whatcha up to

cynthia: just watching netflix

josh sits on my bad beside me and starts watching the show

josh's POV:
i could tell cynthia was crying all day because our rooms are next to each other and i could hear her and when i walked in, she looked like she had just been crying.
i'm not good at comforting people but i just stayed with her so she doesn't feel alone.

cynthia was always with mom and dad before we blew up on tiktok and she had a stronger bond with them so i guess that's why she's more emotional towards the idea of them not being together

cynthias POV:
josh and i watched the office until we were called down for dinner
we sat in the dinner table with mom and ate hotdogs

mom: i hate to bring this up again but since your father and i are not together anymore, we have made up some sort of scheduled time when we each get to see you two. you guys will be at your dads on the weekends and with me on the weekdays

cynthia: we can't decide when we want to see you guys? we have to follow some sort of agenda?

mom: i didn't mean it like that, you can see your dad whenever you want but since you are not an adult yet, our lawyers thought it would be easier if we had you guys on certain days so it's not that confusing

cynthia: this whole thing is so fucked up

mom: language!

cynthia: whatever mom

josh gets a call and we get distracted and stop talking

josh's POV:
i get a call from quinton and pick up

📞quinton: hey, is cynthia with you?

josh: uh yeah do you want me to give the phone to h-

quinton: no.. no! i just want to talk to you

josh: oh ok

i get up and go upstairs to my room because it seems like a private call by the tone of q's voice

quinton: how is she doing?

josh: you called me to ask how my sister is doing? why didn't you just call her and ask

quinton: i tried talking to her earlier but she pushed me away

josh: mmm sounds like her, she does that when she's going through something because she doesn't want people to say the wrong thing or ask her if she's ok because she wants to run away from the issue instead of talking about it

quinton: sounds like this happens a lot

josh: more than you know, but i'm keeping a close eye on her

quinton: i wish i could be there but make sure she drinks water and eats, she sits in bed all day and forgets to do everyday things unless someone reminds her *quinton says while laughing*

josh: will do

quinton: thanks

josh: q, your a great guy and i'm glad your with cyn, i'm sorry for not trusting you at first

quinton: it's all good

josh: hey! tell nessa to call me

quinton: haha will do, tell cyn to call me too

josh: ok bye dude

cynthias POV:
josh has been gone for quite a while now so i run up to his room and see what he's up to

cynthia: hey, where'd you go

josh: i got a private call so i came upstairs cause it's quiet

cynthia: oh ok

josh: i'm gonna call nessa in a bit, you should probably call quinton

cynthia: uhh i'll try

josh: cyn...

cynthia: ok ok i will

josh chuckled and closed his door and i walked into my room and called quinton.

we talked for hours and fell asleep on facetime

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