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i sat in my room until quinton walked in and sat next to me on the bed

quinton: i should have told you about ellie

cynthia: yeah you should have

quinton: i didn't want to ruin things for you in canada, you looked happy and drama in LA takes that smile away

cynthia: but this isn't about being in LA or not, it's about a ellie kissing you and me finding out about it through my friends and not you

quinton: i didn't mean to hurt you

cynthia: i know you didn't but if we want this relationship to work, we have to be honest with each other

quinton: your right, i should have told you and i'm sorry i didn't

i smile

cynthia: just don't do it again

i hold out my arms for him to hug me, and he did. when i'm with him, everything just seems right

time skip:

quinton and i take a nap because we're exhausted from jet lag. i wake up to quinton repeatedly kissing my forehead. the lights in our room were off and there was some light coming through the windows, it is past sunset but there's still some light out

cynthia: hey

quinton: hi

i smile and leaned towards him to kiss him and he kissed me. we stayed in bed cuddling and talking for a half hour until lauren bursts into our room

lauren: finally your up

cynthia: lauren what do you want

lauren: have you seen the news yet?

cynthia: no what is it

lauren: there's a new virus going around, it's called coronavirus or covid-19

cynthia: ok?

lauren: this is serious, many people have died and once you have it, you have to quarantine or self isolate for two weeks

cynthia: has it reached LA yet?

lauren: yes, that's what i'm getting to, LA is going on lockdown like every other place in the world right now, we won't be able to leave the house

cynthia: omg, for how long?

lauren: i'm not sure but you should do some research

cynthia: yeah i will

lauren left the room and i immediately picked up my phone to research about this new virus

quinton and i spent an hour scrolling through articles

quinton: i heard about this a couple weeks ago but it wasn't nearly as bad

cynthia: i can't believe we have to stay at home for the next couple of weeks, i'm gonna die of boredom

quinton: i won't let that happen

cynthia: really... and how are you going to do that

quinton smiles and begins to kiss me aggressively and then pulls away

quinton: do you want me to show you how

cynthia: mhm

we continue to kiss and we start taking our clothes off, quinton starts to kiss down my neck giving me hickeys. and then we did it

once we finished, we laid in bed naked under the covers until bryce walked in


quinton quickly covered me with his arm even though the covers were on top of me

bryce: EWWWW

quinton: uhh i'll be out in a couple minutes

bryce: take a shower

cynthia: bryce get out

bryce: i'm sure josh will love to hear about his

cynthia: about what? we were just..... sleeping

bryce: im sure you were "just sleeping" does quinton always cover you after a nap?

cynthia: uhhhh

quinton: dude just get out

bryce left the room and quinton and i bursted out laughing

cynthia: i can't believe that just happened

quinton: me either, i didn't think you were under the covers

cynthia: i like when your protective over me

quinton: mhm

quinton leans over as he's smiling and gently kisses me as our warm bodies touch

quinton: i gotta go but i'll be back in a bit

cynthia: don't take to long

quinton: i won't

quinton puts on a shirt and sweatpants and walks out of the room

when he left, i walked towards the bathroom and took a bath

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