part 15

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i wake up at 9 am and look up at quinton who i am laying on, he's still asleep so i try and get out of his arms but he wakes up and pulls me back in

cynthia: babyyy i want to make breakfast

quinton: nooo stay here

cynthia: *sighs* ok *smiles*

quinton held me tightly on his chest and kept kissing me head, i look up laughing at him and he starts kissing my lips. i kiss him back and he doesn't stop, it starts turning into a make out. he tries to take off my shirt but i pull away

cynthia: no! you got out of surgery just 2 days ago

quinton: i'm fine, i'm better trust me

i put a little bit of pressure on his knee even though i felt really bad and he flinched so i knew he wasn't better

cynthia: liar

quinton: *groans*

cynthia: i'm gonna go make breakfast
i say as i get out of his arms

quinton: why can't you just stay with me

cynthia: i'll see u later

quinton pulls his head back onto the pillow and i laugh walking out of the room. i went into the kitchen and i saw ness and josh cuddling in the couch.

cynthia: good morning ness

nessa: good morning cyn *she smiles*

josh: good morning to you too

i ignore him and start making avocado toast. after 30 min, i made avocado toast for quinton and i and made some extra ones if anyone else wanted any. i grab the plate and walk back into quinton and i's room, i see him asleep again

cynthia: just cause the doctor said you need rest doesn't mean you get to sleep the entire day

quinton: you know what will wake me up😏

cynthia: oh my

quinton: come heree

i crawl on the bed holding the plate in my hand. i sit next to quinton and he starts kissing my neck. i pull away and grab an avocado toast putting it in his mouth

quinton: what is this

cynthia: avocado toast, try it it's good

quinton: no i want you

cynthia: why do you have to be so horny

quinton: why do you have to be so hot

i laugh as we eat the avocado toast. once we finished, we got ready because everyone wanted to go on a walk. i wore this

cynthia: babe are you done getting ready?

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cynthia: babe are you done getting ready?

quinton: yeah, i'll be out in a sec
*he screams since he's in the bathroom that's connected to our room*

a few minutes has gone by and he's still not out so i knock on the bathroom and the door opens a bit since it wasn't closed.

cynthia: what are you doing beb

quinton: i'm trying to change the bandage on my stitches but i can't reach it

quinton is shirtless and is trying to change the bandage on one of his stitches that is on his shoulder

cynthia: why didn't you just ask me?

quinton: i thought i could do it myself but i can't

i grabbed a new bandage and put it over the stitches, as i was doing so quinton was talking to me

quinton: you look sexy babe

i laugh a bit

cynthia: thanks babe

i put the bandage on him and walked out of the bathroom, quinton following me.

cynthia: does it hurt when you walk

quinton: nope, i don't really feel it

cynthia: that's good

quinton pulled me into a hug and i put my head on his chest as we were sitting on the edge of the bed.
nessa walked into the room

nessa: let's go guys we're leaving

quinton: coming

we walk out holding hands and we meet up with everyone at the front of the cabin. josh looks at me and scoffs and i roll my eyes, it's been 3 days since i've spoken to him and i don't plan on speaking to him anytime soon

jaden: let's go, theres a trail over there

we walk on this beautiful trail that was surrounded by trees.

time skip: 9 pm

everyone crashed on the couch and watched a ton of movies. quinton was at the end of the couch, i was beside him and josh was sitting beside me. i put my head on q's chest and moved closer to him because i didn't want to be near josh. quinton started playing with my hair and i fell asleep on him.

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