part 19

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we were an hour away from home and i decide to call quinton because we shouldn't fight about my idiot brother, i waited a couple seconds and he didn't pick up, it went straight to voicemail.
is he ignoring me? is he not in love with me anymore? a tear rolls down my face following many more.

Quintons POV:
i was sleeping and heard my phone ring, i grabbed my phone to see who it was and it was cynthia, i was going to answer but then jaden grabbed my phone

jaden: ohh who is this? cynthiaaa i bet your gonna go crawling back to her now

quinton: just give me back my phone

jaden: no! your not a pussy (i'm not implying that a "pussy" is weak but i don't have anymore words to use sorry if this offended you)

quinton: dude give it back!

jaden: no can do

and then the phone stopped ringing

quinton: what the fuck jaden!

jaden: you'll get your phone back once we arrive, i don't want to hear you guys crying

i angrily turned my head towards the window and waited until we got back

Cynthias POV:
i managed to wipe all the tears from my face when we arrived

cynthia: thanks guys for dropping me off i love you

and with that, i hugged them both and got out of the car, i tried leaving as fast as i could because i didn't know if i could hold in my tears any longer. i see quinton sitting in josh's car and jaden and josh switching because josh was coming home. i try not to make i contact with quinton because i didn't want to ball my eyes out in front of everyone.
i unlocked the house and went up straight to my room and layed down on my bed crying, i didn't care if josh heard me, i just couldn't keep it in anymore. i kept crying until i saw quinton climbing up my window

cynthia: q-q-quinton?

quinton: yes baby it's me

he sat beside me hugging me

cynthia: why are you here

quinton: i left the car before jaden noticed so i can see you

cynthia: ok but why? you probably hate me

quinton: baby i could never hate you, i love you

he started kissing my head and tightened the hug

cynthia: i love you too, but why didn't you pick up my call?

quinton: i tried to but jaden was being an asshole and wouldn't give me my phone

cynthia: can you stay the night? i don't want to be alone

quinton: of course

we layed down and i snuggled into his chest, tears kept rolling down my face but i don't know why, i tried wiping them away but then quinton noticed

quinton: what's wrong, why are you crying

cynthia: i-i don't know-

but before i could say another word, quinton lifted me up so my head was at the crook of his neck, i look up and he gently kissed my lips, repeatedly pulling away and kissing me again. i start to smile at how cute he was and i pulled his head towards me and passionately kissed him.

quinton: i hate that i'm the reason for you crying, i'm so sorry

cynthia: baby don't apologize, i don't know what's wrong with me.

quinton: there's nothing wrong with you, your perfect

he put his head on mine and we layed there until we both fell asleep.
this is how they looked like

this is how they looked like

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