post breakup

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after what cynthia had said to me, i stormed out of the room and went directly to jaden. I was feeling a mix of emotions, heartbreak, frustration, and guilt

Jaden: hey you good dude

Quinton: I'm all in

Jaden: woah, you don't seem like yourself tell me what happened

Quinton: cy- cynthia and i we broke up just now

Jaden eyes widened in shock

Jaden: I'm sorry I-

Quinton: when's the fastest time we can get out of here I can't be here right now

Jaden: tomorrow?

Quinton: sounds good

Jaden: slow down, your really going to leave? Can't you talk things out with her?

Quinton: no, she ended things with me because she thought I was holding her back from her happiness and she thinks she can't be happy without me

Jaden: isn't that a good thing? That means she needs you

Quinton: actually the opposite, that's what I thought too but apparently she needs to find happiness within herself before she can let it fall under someone's else's hands

Jaden: oh... I think I understand

Quinton: good cause that makes one of us

Jaden: I can get you out of here and on tour but I'm just not sure your in the right state of mind to do so

I slammed my hand onto the table

Quinton: Im ready and I'm in the right state of mind

Jaden: okay okay, I'll give my manager a call

While jaden was calling I decided that I couldn't be here so I took my jeep and drove to a cliff and stayed in my car watching the sunset

I can't believe she would end out 8 month relationship. I can't help but think it is my fault

I put my hands to my face as I tear rolled down my face

I don't think I can live without her, I'm in love with her

Out of frustration i started to hit the steering wheel until my hands bruised

I stayed by the cliff for another hour before I started to drive back home. It was 11 at night and jaden had texted me that we're all set for tomorrow so I went to bed

The next morning I was woken up by cooper to get ready since we need to be on the road in a half hour. I took a shower and wore a hoodie and shorts.

I wanted to go into cynthias room to say goodbye but jaden pushed me out the house

Jaden: come on, we need to leave

Quinton: but-

Jaden: I'm not going to let you go into her room, if she really wanted to say goodbye she would have, plus wasn't she the one who broke up with you?

Quinton: yeah I guess....

Nessa: whoooo! Tour time

Josh: bye babe I love you

Josh and nessa kissed and nessa walked next to us

Nessa: let's go

We all got into the tour bus and started driving, my mind kept going to cynthia causing me to have a headache

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