should i stay or should i go

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we came back from dads house and crashed on the couch until my mom came into the living room to talk to us

mom: hey guys, can i talk you you

cynthia: yeah what's up

mom: well the main reason your father and i wanted you here is so we can discuss the divorce and so you guys got used to the two house situation but since you guys are getting the hang of it, if you want to go back to LA, your free to do so

cynthia: if you want us gone so badly you could have just said that

mom: no i-

cynthia: i'm kidding i'm kidding!

i laughed

cynthia: i mean we were planning on going back anyways so guess we can leave earlier

josh: did dad agree to this?

mom: yeah, i called him when you guys were on your way back and he agreed that with his new job, he wouldn't be spending much time home anyways and that if you guys want to go back to your friends and your life back in LA, you can

cynthia: we would love to stay longer but i think it's for the best

mom: i understand

cynthia: thanks mom

josh: i can text our manager to book us a flight for next week?

cynthia: yeah, that's when quinton and nessa are supposed to get back anyways

we spent the next couple of days just chilling and going to tim hortons so quinton and nessa can try it for the first time.
quinton liked the iced capp

today is the day before we leave

quinton: beb, did you finish packing yet?

cynthia: almost

quinton: i can help

quinton walked over to me and started packing my clothes into my suitcase

quinton: are you excited to get back to LA

cynthia: yeah but i'm going to miss my parents a lot because i know after this, i won't be seeing them for another couple of months

quinton: you can always facetime

i giggled as a tear fell down my face

quinton: aw baby, are you crying?

quinton pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead

cynthia: i feel so selfish everytime i leave

quinton: they want what's best for you, and LA is that, you are not selfish

quinton wiped the tear off my face and kissed me

quinton: come on, let's finish packing so we can go to bed already

cynthia: ok

we packed everything and left our suitcases in the hallway

quinton and i cuddled until we fell asleep

the next day:

we woke up at 11 and chilled in bed until 12, our flight was at 4 so we didn't have to wake up early or rush

quinton: good morning baby

cynthia: good morning

quinton: how did you sleep

cynthia: not too bad

quinton: do you think we should start getting ready?

cynthia: yeah

we got up and did our morning routines and met back in my room.
i wore this

we left the house at 2 and got to the airport by 3, we had to wait a bit so be bought food and chilled for a bit until our flight was called

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we left the house at 2 and got to the airport by 3, we had to wait a bit so be bought food and chilled for a bit until our flight was called.

we got on the plane, 5 hours to go

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