Canada to LA

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our plane landed and we drove to not a swype house, we got greeted by everyone

lauren: CYNTHIA

she yelled as she jumped on me, i hugged her

cynthia: LAURENN


everyone ran up and hugged me

josh: damn what about me

the boys ran in and hugged him

lauren dragged me away as i let go of quintons hand

cynthia: i'll be back

lauren: we have so much to tell you

all the girls went into my room as they filled me in on everything that happened

madi: so while you were gone, that bitch ellie tried getting with quinton like a bunchhhh of times

cynthia: she did?

madi: quinton didn't tell you?

cynthia: no...

madi: cyn, ellie kissed him

cynthia: WHAT?

lauren: don't worry though, he pulled away as soon as it happened

cynthia: why didn't he tell me

lauren: probably didn't want to worry you

devy: i heard ellie and griffin are dating

cynthia: they are?

devy: it's in tiktokroom so i'm guessing

cynthia: i'm about to beat a bitch up

madi: YESSS

i walked out of the room and walked towards ellie who was staring at me


i punched her across the face and pushed her towards the wall

cynthia: too scared to make a move on him so you waited till i left?

ellie didn't say anything as she was struggling to even stand

cynthia: you can say goodbye to this house because your never coming back here again

i grabbed her by her arm and pushed her outside

cynthia: i'll have your assistant pick up your clothes

ellie: but-

i shut the door and everyone came running to me


quinton: what happened?

cynthia: don't worry about it

quinton: your knuckles, they're bleeding

cynthia: it's worth it

quinton: did you hit ellie?

cynthia: ....

quinton: why did you hit her

cynthia: are you defending her?

quinton: no! i'm just confused as to why

cynthia: forget it

quinton: tell me

cynthia: no actually, you tell me, when you were going to mention her kissing you

quinton: i-

cynthia: mhm

i walked back into my room and shut the door, why was he keeping this from me? did he think i would be mad at him? i know he's probably going to tell me later but i just needed to get out of there for a bit, everyone was staring at us argue and i didn't like it

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