part 22

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it's was getting dark out and i was still talking to the girls when bryce shouted


everyone ran up to him grabbing shots/beers

the girls and i decided we wanted to get a little drunk so we walked up to bryce and grabbed a shot of tequila

bryce: hey! are you girls of age?

girls: uhh

bryce: i'm just playing, grab as much as u want

i had a tequila shot in my right hand and a lime covered in salt in my left hand. i licked the salt then took the shot and then squeezed the lime into my mouth.
i took a couple more shots and kinda got drunk, i see quinton coming over to me

quinton: hey, i think that's enough drinking for you

cynthia: noo quin-
i thought i was going to puke but i didn't

cynthia: that was a close one
*i said slurring my words*

quinton: alright let's go

he picked me up bridal style and walked to one of the lounge chairs, and sat down beside me putting his arm around me

quinton: are you having fun

cynthia: yeah i-i love parties

quinton: yeah i can tell

cynthia: did you know blake is coming here tonight

quinton: wait what?
*quinton starts to get mad*

cynthia: yeah apparently the management said it was fine for him to move in, baby i don't want him to move in

quinton: me either

i put my head on his chest and fell asleep

Quintons POV:
cynthia fell asleep on my chest so i picked her up and took her into our room, i don't really like parties anymore since i used to get drunk and mess shit up for myself so i decided to stay with her. i put the blanket over us and cuddled with her. i couldn't fall asleep because i kept thinking about blake and how things were gonna work with him now living here.

time skip: 1 hour

i hear everyone screaming and check the time and see it's 2 am, i walk out the balcony in cynthia and i's room to see what's going on. blake has arrived, josh and bryce are yelling at him. i went downstairs to see what's happening

josh: why the fuck are you even here get out!

bryce: how are you not in jail yet?

blake: how am i not in jail? you should be grateful i didn't tell the cops about quinton assaulting me

quinton: assaulting you? how about when you tried to get with my girlfriend who is a minor. that's sexual assault you piece of shit

blake: i'm not that kind of person anymore, i was struggling with my mental health and i was constantly on drugs

bryce: drugs or not, that's messed up

josh: since your going to be living here, we need to set some ground rules

blake: what is it?

quinton: if you ever come near my girlfriend, i will rock your shit again. This time, there will be no coming back for you

josh: cynthia and every other girl in house included

bryce: just stay the fuck away from us

josh: your room is also going to be the farthest away from everyone else's room

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