going to canada

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today was moving day and i had all my things packed up and ready to go, quinton and nessa are going to drop josh and i off at the airport in a couple hours

i spent all day hugging quinton, he usually doesn't like being touched a lot but he didn't let go

cynthia: i'm gonna cry at the airport

quinton: i don't want you to be sad

cynthia: i know but i won't be able to help it

we sat on the couch cuddling and kissing until it was time to leave for the airport

josh: cyn, it's time to go

cynthia: ok i'm ready

quinton and i got in the back of the car and josh drove while nessa sat in the passenger seat . quinton put his arm around me as i rest head on his shoulder

we got to the airport and everyone started saying goodbye and i started crying

cynthia: i-i- i love you so much bubs

quinton pulled me into a hug

quinton: i love you too baby

i heard nessa crying as well when she hugged josh. i couldn't pull away from quinton, i kept hugging and kissing him until josh pulled me away and quinton released

we walked towards the plane and sat in our seats and i continue to cry silently.
josh starts to rub my back, he doesn't really know how to comfort people but i can tell he's trying his best

josh: hey, don't cry, q will visit and you guys can always facetime

cynthia: no it's not the same

josh: are you worried your going to break up?

cynthia: no, i just miss him

we stay quiet the rest of the flight until we reach canada. we walk out of the plane and i see my mom. i run up to her and hug her since i haven't seen her in over a year

cynthia: MOM!!!

mom: hunny, i missed you so much

she kisses my cheek and hugs me tightly, i let go so she can say hi to josh

mom: joshy!

josh hugs her

josh: hey mom

cynthia: where's dad?

mom: uhm hes at home

josh: he didn't come?

mom: uh- i- he didn't want to offend you guys in anyway, we just thought it was best if i came to the airport and he could stay at home and greet you guys when you come back from the airport

josh: that doesn't seem like him

cynthia: josh let it go, it's fine we'll just see him at home

josh: yeah whatever

we get in the car and drive home

dad: hey guys, i missed you so much

he runs up to us and hugs us

cynthia: hi dad, we missed you too

josh: why weren't you at the airport?

dad: about that..... your mom and i have something to tell you guys

josh and i look at each other in confusion

mom: why don't we go into the living room and sit

josh: mom what's going on

we go to the living room and sit

mom: your father and i are getting a divorce

cynthia: WHAT?

josh: WHY?

mom: calm down kids, we've been.... discussing this for a long time now and we just think it's for the best

josh: for the best? why though? you guys were perfectly fine when we left

mom: things changed and we grew apart, it doesn't mean we dont love each other anymore

cynthia: i can't believe this, how is it going to be from now on?

dad: i moved out just a couple weeks ago and your mom is going to be keeping the house

cynthia: WEEKS? why didn't you guys tell us sooner

mom: we wanted to wait until we saw you... in person, that's why we wanted you to come

josh: so what?... we're going to have two christmas' and two birthdays? i never thought we'd be one of those kids who's parents got divorced and they had two holidays

mom: it won't be that bad, you will see us equally, just not together

cynthia: i need some time to think about this

mon: i've got your room ready for you if you want to go up there? i know this is hard for you two...

josh: yeah, yeah it is

josh and i go up to our rooms and the whole house goes quiet

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