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i woke up the next morning feeling like shit, i had a fever, my head was pounding and i was coughing.
quinton stayed with me the entire day, he had a headache but that was it, we wore oversized hoodies and cuddled in bed all day

quinton: are you feeling any better bubbas

i shake my head no and he kissed my forehead

quinton: should i ask lauren to bring you more soup

cynthia: no that's okay

quinton: are you sure

cynthia: mhm

quinton: do you want to watch something or go downstairs?

cynthia: let's go downstairs, i want to see everyone else

quinton: okay

we stood up and immediately, i felt dizzy. quinton ran over to my holding me up

quinton: feeling dizzy?

cynthia: very

we walked downstairs and sat in the living room with everyone else. i was leaning on quinton on the couch
everyone looked a bit out of it, so i'm guessing everyone is sick.

we all just hung out and made tiktoks together, i kept falling asleep and waking up randomly a bunch of times, i guess i was just tired but we all kinda had a sleepover and stayed up until sunrise

addison: should we order food

olivia: yeah but make sure to let them know to leave it at the doorstep since we can't open the door until they leave

addison: yeah ok

addison: what does everyone want

josh: chick fil a!

nessa: yeah let's get chick fil a

quinton: babe do you want chick fil a

cynthia: sure, i don't mind

everyone sat on their phones until the food came and quinton i just cuddled on the couch

jaden: i don't know what's worse, being sick or watching those two

quinton: shut up jaden

josh: for real, they're making me more sick

cynthia: that's bryce not us


we all laughed

the food came 30 min later and we all ate. it's now 7 am and everyone is starting to fall asleep but the couch is really uncomfortable so i go up to my room to sleep
a couple minutes later, i fall asleep but then wake up to quinton getting in bed

quinton: go back to sleep

cynthia: come here

i held out my arms and he cuddled with me. we immediately fell asleep after

what do you want to happen in the story? comment any suggestions, i'm open to any.

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