dads house

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josh and i get to finally see our dad today, we got some clothes packed for the weekend then waited until dad picked us up

dad: hey kiddos, it's going to be a little bit of a drive so get comfortable

josh: how long is the drive

dad: about 20 minutes

josh: ok

we arrived at his house and it was a bit smaller than moms house, i guess it's because it'll be just him except for the weekends

dad: you two will share a bedroom, i know your used to having the luxury of your own room but i cannot afford to live in a house with 3 bedrooms

cynthia: that's ok, we'll only be here for a little bit anyways until we return to LA

dad: oh.... i'm guessing your mom hasn't told you yet?

josh: told us what

dad: you two will be staying here for a month

cynthia & josh: A MONTH?!

dad: well don't seem two excited now

cynthia: we love and missed you guys but why a month?

dad: cynthia!... we haven't seen you two for so long and you won't even manage enough time to stay here for a month?!

cynthia: i didn't mean it like that, but you have to understand.... we live in LA now, we can't just leave everything behind and just come here for an entire month

dad: you ungrateful brat! you think since you have a big following and you got all this money now that you get to speak to me like that?
your still a minor and it is a privilege that you even get to leave. if it was up to me you would not be going to LA

josh: THATS ENOUGH! you don't get to speak to her that way.

dad: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO HUH? you think your big tough guy now? your still a kid, and you sure as hell don't get to decide how i speak to my daughter

josh: why are you acting like this?! what happened while we were gone?

dad: you want me to say it?.. fine! i lost my job and your mom filed for divorce

josh: i thought you guys said it was mutual and that you fell out of love...

dad: your mother payed the lawyers and me to not tell you guys

cynthia: that doesn't sound like mom... she wouldn't end a marriage just because you lost your job.

josh: you chose cash over telling the truth to your children?...

dad: that bitch broke up with me because i have a "drinking problem" not because of my job and yes josh, i did pick money over the two of you because i can now afford a roof over our head

cynthia: you have a drinking problem?! why didn't mom just tell us

dad: she wants everyone to believe we're the perfect little family and didn't want to ruin her reputation

josh: stop trying to avoid the question, do you have a drinking problem?

dad: a couple bottles of tequila per week doesn't mean i have a drinking problem. your mom lied to the lawyers!

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