part 23

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we continue making out until..... chase walks in

chase: cynthia remember when we used to make out

i pull away from quinton

cynthia: don't you have anything better to do

chase: yeah this

he walks over to me and attempts to kiss me but quinton shoves him

quinton: what the fuck were you just trying to do

chase: uhh grab the remote

quinton: for your sake, im really hoping that's all you were trying to do

quinton takes my hand and guides me to the driveway, he was walking so fast, i couldn't keep up

cynthia: q, where are we going

quinton: i just gotta get out of here

quinton and i got to his truck and he opened the door for me and i sat and he came back around and turned the car on.

cynthia: where?

quinton: i need to calm down, i can't get to mad or else-

cynthia: or else what?

quinton: i'll lose my temper and hurt someone

quintons hand was shaking from how mad he was so i put my hand over his

cynthia: is it because of chase?

quinton stayed silent and started to speed

cynthia: quinton please slow down

i started to tear up because i was getting flashbacks from the crash

quinton: i'm sorry baby for scaring you

he starts to slow down and i wipe the tears from my face. he put his hand on my thigh and continued driving

after 15 minutes, we came to a stop and quinton got out of the car, he opened my door and helped me get down since his truck was so big.

we started walking and i stayed quiet, after walking for 2 minutes through a trail, we came to a beach where there was no one

quinton: i usually come here to think

cynthia: q, this place is beautiful

quinton and i sat on the sand as the warm sun hit our skin

quinton: i can't lose you cynthia

cynthia: your worried about chase? i love you and only you, i will never do anything to hurt you

quinton: i've had my heart broken in the past and your too important to me

i hugged him from the side

cynthia: if there even was a chance that you would lose me to someone, it would NOT be chase hudson let me tell you that..... maybe timothee chalemet but not chase

quinton laughed and rolled his eyes

we sat in the sand for an hour just talking but then i had to go home and get ready for my shoot

we got home and i wore this

quinton dropped me off at the studio and i spent 2 hours taking photos with different outfits

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quinton dropped me off at the studio and i spent 2 hours taking photos with different outfits. at the end of the shoot, i picked two of my favourites that i was going to post

 at the end of the shoot, i picked two of my favourites that i was going to post

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i was waiting for sab to pick her favourite photos since we had the shoot on the same day when i get a call from bryce

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i was waiting for sab to pick her favourite photos since we had the shoot on the same day when i get a call from bryce. i answered it.

cynthia: hey bryce

bryce: i gotta show you something

i gave a confused look

cynthia: what is it?

he flips his camera and it's of quinton sitting down in the couch and ellie grinding on his leg

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