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crystal: these kids are going to be the death of me

john: we expected this to happen

i hear mrs and mr griggs talking about us sleeping on the couch but i'm so tired and can't get myself to open my eyes or say something, i was hoping quinton said or did something and he did

quinton: shhhh go awayyy

and with that, he pulled me in closer to him

crystal: quinton! wake up you have guests coming in an hour

i slowly start to open my eyes and shift a bit but quinton wouldn't let me out of his arms

quinton: maybe if we ignore them they'll go away

crystal: we will do no such thing until you two get your butts up

john: let's just leave them and make breakfast, hopefully by then they will wake up

crystal: i doubt it but ok

they walked away and into the kitchen

cynthia: q wake up, caden and trey are coming in an hour

quinton: that's far away from now

cynthia: yeah but-

quinton shut me up by kissing me gently

quinton: just go back to sleep

i fell asleep in his arms just to be woken up again

caden: q's a simp now

trey: SIMPPP

quinton threw a small pillow at them

crystal: breakfast is re- CYNTHIA AND QUINTON! are you two still asleep

quinton: we're up mom

crystal: you two head upstairs and freshen up while caden and trey eat

quinton groaned and held my hand, we walked up the stairs and i went to my room and quinton went into his.

i went to my closet and found an outfit to wear

after changing, i walked out of my room and saw quinton walking out of his (their rooms are right across each other)

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after changing, i walked out of my room and saw quinton walking out of his (their rooms are right across each other)

cynthia: good morning

quinton: i wouldn't say good

i laughed and walked towards the bathroom and was about to close it but i saw quinton coming in

cynthia: aren't you supposed to be downstairs

quinton: i gotta brush my teeth

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