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I woke up the next morning with the biggest headache ever, we had stayed up until really late so I guess I'm just tired. I checked my phone to see thousands of quintons fans coming for my neck, they were saying that our breakup was because I wanted to date other guys and I broke up with quinton because I couldn't stay loyal if he wasn't here. My eyes widened at the amount of hate, what hurt me most was that quinton had done nothing to stop his fans.

As I was scrolling through my comment section, Sab woke up and noticed

Sab: aww babe don't do that, your just going to make it worse for yourself

(TW: mentions suicide)
⚠️Cynthia: it's so weird how people can switch up so fast, yesterday I was receiving so much love and today everyone wants me to kill myself ⚠️

Sab: promise me that you will talk to me if things get really bad

Cynthia: I promise. Your getting hate too for your tweet how come your not bothered

Sab: i honestly couldn't care less about what they say about me, at least I'm going down defending my best friend

Cynthia: awww

I reached over and hugged her

Madi: if y'all don't shut up

Sab: MADI wake up!

Madi: ughhh

Lauren came into the hotel room with 4 Starbucks drinks

Lauren: hey guys!

Madi: what? Weren't you just beside me

Madi looked around as if Lauren teleported

Lauren: uhhh no but I brought starbs!!!

Cynthia: THANK YOU! Your a life saver

Sab: we should probably get our stuff and check out

Cynthia: yeah your right

We've only been here for one night so there wasn't much things laying around other than our chargers and purses

I turned the light off and made sure we grabbed everything then checked out

Lauren: I really enjoyed spending time just the four of us

Cynthia: right!

Madi: at the house there are so many peoole that I am friends with but they aren't as close with me than you guys

Sab: yeah like I love everyone else but also miss when it was just us in NACH plus Dev, Anna and Eva

Lauren: yeah

Madi: to be honest our management is really toxic

Sab: cynthia I don't mean to pry but when the whole ellie situation was happening, the management asked ellie to live with us knowingly

Cynthia: i didn't want to say anything but I have felt this way for the longest time too

Lauren: plus they put so much pressure on us

Madi: to be honest i kind of want to leave not a swype house

Cynthia: me too, especially with quinton, nessa, jaden and coop gone, there isn't really a point

Sab: let's talk to the others

Here's a list of people who are in the house, i removed some people cuz they were irrelevant to the story but here

Girls: cynthia, sab, madi, devy, eva, anna, mads, charli, avani, addison, dixie

Guys: quinton, josh, jaden, bryce, cooper, noah, anthony, kio, thomas, chase hudson,  MR VINNIE HACKER (sorry I'm obsessed)

not a content house: cynthia, sab, eva, anna, devy, madi

sway house: josh, bryce, noah, anthony
sway gaming: quinton, vinnie, cooper, jaden, kio

hype house: thomas, charli, addison, dixie, chase, avani

mads and nessa aren't in any but they are in not a swype house

back to the story, we went to the house to talk to everyone and let them know that we want to go back to how everything was.

Lauren: thomas, bryce, josh can we talk to you?

Thomas: yeah sure let's go somewhere private

We started walking towards the meeting room and as we were walking josh nudged me

Josh: hey, I've heard what happened I'm sorry about the breakup, uh if you ever want to talk I'm always here

Cynthia: thanks, I'm not ready right now but maybe in the future?

Josh: yeah

We got to the meeting room and we all sat down

Madi: so uh, we've noticed that the management pretty much sucks and most of the people who used to live with us don't

Sab: and we think this house is basically falling apart so we want to talk to you guys about possibly moving back to how things used to be or get new managers

Thomas: to be honest I've felt the same way, i just think that the management cares more about clout and money rather than us and there really isn't a point in living in this house if most of the members aren't here

Bryce: yeah fuck not a swype house I'm out this bitch

Josh: so what are we going to do

Lauren: let's talk to the management first before we move forward

Thomas: I can set up a meeting

That's it for this chapter, also I have an idea for future chapters and i don't want to spoil much but

comment which couple you like better
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a) jaden and nessa

b) josh and nessa


pls comment because I don't want to write something you guys wouldn't want to read

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