The First Visit

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[Language Warning]

This story will be told mostly through your POV. The first part is no ones POV. This is just after the Disc war when Dream got locked up.

Your character: Your 2 and a half years older than Tommy (your 18 ish). He's like a younger brother to you. Wilbur was practically your father, he looked after you when you were younger. Ranboo and Tubbo are your closest friends. You also had a shitty relationship with Dream (will go in dept later on) Also your a girl in this story (hope you don't mind)


It had been a been two days since Dream had been put in prison. Tommy was on his way to visit him. Tommy stood at the entrance of the prison. He took a deep breath and walked through. Awesamdude was waiting on the other side.

"Welcome to the prison."

Tommy began to look around and turned to look a the portal he just walked through. It was amazing.

"Before we can go any further Tommy, you're gonna need to come up here and read this book."

He approached sam who had a book sitting in front of him. He opened the book and began to read. He looked up when he had finished.

"Do I have to sign it?"

"Yes, Please sign the book Tommy. Do you need me to clarify anything before you sign it?"

"Yes, what does it mean and I've already signed it." Tommy said with a giggle

Sam wasn't impressed and didn't bother to answer the question. Tommy wasn't taking it to seriously. Sam took the book and turned around to open one of the locker rooms for tommy.

"Ok let's put you in locker room 1, walk in and place all your items in the chest and then retrieve your key. You can then put your key in the Enderchest."

"Can I keep some items on me?"

"No, no items are allowed in the prison."

Tommy began to walk into the locker room but Sam quickly called him back closing the locker room.

"Tommy I need to ask you some questions before you put your items in there. If i don't like your answers I will have to ask you to leave."

Tommy wasn't listening he was muttering to himself. Again Sam wasn't to happy about how he was treating the situation. Once Tommy had stopped Sam spoke in a more serious tone of voice now.

" Tommy be honest, tell the truth, and again if I don't like your answers I will have to ask you to leave."

"Ok.." Tommy said rolling is eyes. He still wasn't taking it seriously.

"When was the last time you visited the prison?"

Tommy let out a laugh before answering the question

"UH never? 22/01/21"

"Ok, where is your current place of residence?"

"My home!" He laughed again

Sam sighed, he knew he wasn't taking it seriously but he remained calm.

"And where is that?" Sam started to sound a bit pissed off

Tommy thought for a second before smiling and giving another stupid answer

"On the Dream smp" He said while grinning widely

"I'll accept that I guess." He knew he wasn't going to get a proper answer. He continued.

"Do you believe the prisoner is deserving of being locked up?"

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