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Only I didn't hit the lava. Arms had wrapped around my waist.

"⟟ ☌⍜⏁ ⊬⍜⎍"

I opened my eyes to find I was back on the surface. I whirled around and saw Ranboo. So he was the one in the Stronghold?

"Y/N are you okay?" Worry evident in his voice. I was stunned for a moment, I didn't tell him where I was going how did he find me?

"Yeah, I'm fine but how did you know where I was?" He shrugged his shoulders and walked past me. "This is our way home, come on." I followed the lanky teenager back throw the forest.


I could hardly make out a portal in the distance. My surroundings became more familiar as we walked. Most of our journey was spent in silence.

"So, why were you trying to go to the End?" He didn't make eye contact.

"I owe someone, like a lot and he'll kinda have my head if I don't get him what he needs..."

"So that's why Techno was at your house, huh?" I just nodded in reply. There was no way I'm sleeping there tonight, it's not safe. I should get back to the SMP without him noticing me. He never spent much time there.


It was late when we got back, Ranboo brought me to Snowchester. He said it would be safer. I tried to persuade them to let me leave, I don't want them in danger but they were adamant about me staying.

Nevertheless, I got to see Michael. He pulled me towards his bedroom to show me his book collection and drawings. He is quite the artist.

The four of us sat on the couch and watched Bambi. It's Michaels favourite. He cuddled beside me and he was completely engrossed in the film.

After an hour he had fallen asleep. I must have nodded off shortly after. I woke up in the spare bedroom, I could hear Tubbo and Ranboos muffled voices. I couldn't make out any words so I drifted back to sleep.

"Y/n?" Michael stood beside my bed. I could barely see him in a dimly lit room. "Where're my dads?" I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

It's 4 am, why is he up? And good question where are his parents? "Hmm? I don't know... Why are you up? It's pretty late." It was only now my eyes had adjusted and I could see Michaels glassy eyes.

"Oh Michael... What happened?" I spoke softly and pulled him into a gentle hug. He crawled up onto the bed and curled up beside me.

"Bad dream.." He whispered burying his face deeper into my neck.
"Do you want to tell me?"

I left it at that. I did my best to comfort the small child. His whimpers died down and he slept on my shoulder wrapped in blankets.

Where are his parents? Especially at 4 am what the fuck could they be doing? I wasn't going back to sleep. I let my thoughts take over as I stared at the ceiling.


Footsteps echoed from down the hall. I gently removed myself from under Michael. I stepped out into the hallway. Tubbo and Ranboo froze. "Where the fuck were you guys?" I kept my voice down.

They glanced at each other before looking back at me. "Uhh... How's Michael?" Ranboo avoided my question. They were hiding something, they normally told me everything. It's not my place to force answers.

"He was looking for you two. He had a nightmare, he's in my room." Ranboo nodded and went to check on him.
Tubbo just walked past into his room.

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