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His eyes had blue steam flowing out of them. His face was scarred from his tears. He looked up at me as I walked onto the platform.

"Y/n?" He asked still sitting on the floor. I watched as the train took off I then looked at my surroundings.

"Oh, I'm so glad to finally have someone! Did Dream kill you too?" He jumped at me with excitement.

"No... It was Sam."

"I remember Sam! He wasn't a very good warden... He let Dream kill me." He looked to the floor. "Have you seen friend? He got stuck in the nether when I went to visit Dream."

"Don't worry, Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo kept him safe."

He let out a sigh of relief. "That's good. I really miss him."

I sat down beside the ghost. He wasn't his usual happy self but that was to be expected, he's been here for months... We sat in silence until Ghostbur suddenly jumped up. "Let me show you around!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. "The rails! Not many trains go by. I like to sit and swing my legs. And look," He pulled me towards one of the walls. "I wrote my name. That's Alivebur and uh... Jschlatt? I've never met him. Oh! You should write your name! Just like me!" He picked up a pencil on the ground and handed it to me. I wrote my name on the wall underneath Ghostburs. I looked at Schlatts and Wilburs names. They were barely visible. They've been here a while...

"I have to show you something cool." He gasped taking my hand and pulling me towards a staircase. "Stay here." He ran up the stairs and walked away. I stood completely confused. "Y/n!!" I heard him call me from the other side of the tracks. I tilted my head in confusion. "It's me, Ghostbur!" He turned and ran down the stairs behind him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to look. Ghostbur smiled at me. "An endless staircase! Isn't it cool!?" He was going to burst with excitement. I couldn't help but smile at him.
"Yeah, it's pretty cool Ghostbur."

He let out a giggle and walked - well floated back to the bench. "There's not much to do... I was so upset until you got here. I'm not lonely anymore." He explained as I took a seat beside him.

"Oh! Dream sometimes stops by. He's great company," He told me.

Dream? But how?

"He should come by soon." He smiled.


I walked around looking for a way out. I've been doing the same thing for the past 6 months. At first, it wasn't too bad but I've gotten bored. Staying in such a small place with nothing to do will drive you crazy. I finally understood how Wilbur felt. No wonder he's a fucking crazy bitch. He's been stuck here for 13 years.

I jumped onto the tracks and started to walk along them. Unfortunately, it was like the stairs. It only led me to the other side of the track. So I gave up and sat on the tracks. Ghostbur sat on the platform letting his legs dangle off the edge. "Are you sure there's no way out?" I asked. I don't know how he hasn't gotten tired of me yet. I'm probably the most annoying person ever. I keep asking the same questions.

He shook his head. "Nope. It's just us." I let out a tired sigh. No matter how exhausted I am I cannot sleep. I haven't slept in 6 months... This place always managed to torture me. It was my own personal hell. Not like I deserved heaven. I smiled remembering what I did. I deserved this. And hell, I don't regret anything.

Ghostbur snapped me out of my thoughts when he got up yelling out of excitement. He leaned over the platform to pull me up. "Y/n, look Dream is here!" I practically threw myself onto the platform. Finally someone. I didn't even question how he got here.

Only it wasn't Dream. It wasn't even a person. I stood staring at the creature. He was incredibly tall and he hovered a few inches off the ground.

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(Just for an idea of what they look like, and yes I'm using they/them pronouns I think it fits.)

Ghostbur was ecstatic he was here. I took a step back out of shock. I wanted to speak but I was at a loss for words. We all stood- well they floated- in silence. Ghostbur looked like he was going to burst, trying to contain his excitement.

"I'm here to make... an offer," They spoke but it sounded more like a question. I looked up at them confused. "You have some unfinished business." They continued. I was still confused.

Unfinished business...

But what...

The tall figure held out their hand. "I can take you back to the overworld. But..."

Great, there's always a but...

"You will owe me. And you must carry out the favour no matter the cost."

"And what would that favour be?" I finally managed to find my voice.

"At the moment, nothing. When I need you I will come find you." They answered.

Am I actually considering this? I would kill to go back but something about this deal doesn't feel right. I don't even know if anyone likes me... Of course, they don't like me I helped the worlds most dangerous man escape. It's better to be hated by everyone than to be stuck here, right?

"I don't have much time. Are you coming with me?" They spoke, a hint of annoyance in their voice. "Okay..." I turned to Ghostbur. He just smiled innocently at me. Fuck..

"Can you tell friend 'I miss him and I hope to see him soon.'"

I felt my heart shatter. I didn't want to leave him here. I can't... I looked back at the godly creature and took a step back. They crossed their arms and sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I can't just leave him..." Ghostburs face lit up. "You're staying!?" He jumped into my arms. "Thank you so much Y/n."

Dream XD laughed. "I'm sorry flower, you've already made your decision." They spoke in a false sweet. I furrowed my eyebrow at them. What did they mean I made my decision? And did they just call me 'flower'? Before I could say anything they took hold of my wrist.

There was a flash of white before everything faded to black.


I'm going to be really slow at posting chapters. School is starting soon and I'll have a lot of work. And I'm not looking forward to it. For those of you who are already back at school, I hope you're doing well. <3

1139 words

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