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(2 Days later)

You looked around at the vines, they were everywhere, it looked disgusting. It had been 2 day since you went to see the egg. After Sam brought you home, you rested and decided to stay at home for a few days, your house was safe. You lived far enough so the egg couldn't reach you, hopefully. 

You still don't understand what the egg did to you that day but something had changed. You didn't feel like yourself, something change when you touched the egg. You would examine your eyes every hour or so just to make sure they weren't changing colour. I should go out and see people, I don't want to worry anyone. You grabbed your armour and put it on. I didn't feel safe to go without it, you also carried your axe with you, well Dream's axe.


You saw Tommy standing by the hotel, he looked kinda pissed off. "Fucking Scam Nook." He shook his head and walked towards you. "Scam Nook? What happened?" He rolled his eyes in response and walked past you. Fucking rude. You decided to follow him anyways even if he wasn't in the mood. 

"Why are you following me? I'm going to get Scam Nook, and before you say anything I don't need your help." He snapped. Damn okay, someone's in a mood. You opened your mouth to say something but was interrupted by Puffy. She looked panicked, she was out of breath from running. You walked around Tommy to Puffy. "Jesus, Puffy are you okay? What happened?" She took a second to catch her breath. "It's Sam" was all she got out before grabbing your wrist and pulling you down the path. Tommy followed.

On your way to the egg she had explained what had happened. Puffy led you both into the eggs headquarters. She opened the trap door on the floor. Tommy let out a high pitched scream as he almost fell into the hole. You grabbed him and pulled him away. "Tommy why would you stand near it you saw what I was doing?!" While they were arguing you peered down and Sam was sitting at the bottom.

"Is there another way down?" You asked Puffy, she nodded. "Yeah we have to go down to the egg, he's on top of it." She turned back to look down at Sam "Sam we're coming to get you out, just hold on for a few minutes." Sam merely groaned in response. Puffy closed up the trap and we began making our way to the egg. 

You walked behind Puffy and Tommy. You had a feeling you were being watched but you couldn't see anyone around. As you walked closer to the egg you could see Sam. He looked terrible. Puffy climbed up to help Sam get out, you weren't paying attention to what they were saying, you were on edge. You could feel eyes piercing you from somewhere, but where? You kept looking around and still couldn't see anyone. It was impossible to see anything anyways there were too many vines.

They finally got Sam out, he was slurring all his words and could barely walk straight. You made it to the surface with running into anyone from the Eggpire. Puffy told you she would take Sam home, so you went to find something to do. 


You walked passed the hotel, Sam Nook was standing there. You swore that Sam Nook and AweSam were the same person. Sam nook was just Sam wearing a Tom Nook mask. You brushed off your confusion and walked towards the prison. You should probably visit Dream, you didn't necessarily like him but you were friends at one point.

George was standing outside the prison. He noticed you almost immediately and walked away. Damn poor guy probably feels guilty or something, he shouldn't but Dream was his best friend or boyfriend. I mean if you were that close with Dream wouldn't you miss him too.


I didn't know how to end this, also yes I'm not posting much, sorry 

677 words 

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