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He sauntered around L'manburg, well what was left which wasn't much. He still held the same high pitched laugh.

He looked a lot older now. He had a white streak in his hair and look about 40. (Still good looking tho😩 Dilfbur)

"I'M ALIVE!!" He cheered. "Oh my God, the sunrise. I have to see this." He was like a happy child. He scrambled on top of a rock and his face light up with pure joy as he saw the sun for the first time in over a decade.

We were all pretty terrified except for Ranboo, he was just confused. Wilbur hopped off the rock he was standing on.
"It's great to see you all again. And we have some new faces! Ranboo? Man, I've heard about you."

Tommy and Wilbur argued back and forth for a few minutes. Tubbo looked uncomfortable and he had hugged onto Ranboos arm.

Wilbur glared at Ranboo before walking on the glass floor that covered the massive creator. "I really did a number on this place huh?"

We had already explained that Techno and Dream had done this but he doesn't pay attention.

"Wow, there's so much I need to do. Tommy, Tubbo, y/n and uh Ran-boo, it was nice seeing you all but I must leave.  It's been great but I have some unfinished business."

He left without another word. Tommy had followed after him. So Dream was serious about the whole revive thing. Even in prison, he holds so much power.

"Can someone explain why Wilbur is so bad? I'm lost."

Tubbo agreed to explain everything to Ranboo once they got home. I went to see Sam at the prison.


"That's the whole reason Dream revived him. Now there's a greater risk of Dream escaping, and you could've stopped all this you know!" My voice was slightly rising. Sam is a shit Warden, now two people have died in the prison.

"I couldn't have done anything, when will you understand that and I should have killed Tommy, on-site."

"Yeah, you should have, this just prove that you can't do your fucking job!" I was on the verge of screaming at this man.

Sam just glared down at me, and just to put into perspective, Sam is 7'3. Still, I didn't back down or break eye contact. Ballsy I know.

"You need more guards here."

"I hired 2 guards a while ago."

"But they've never actually been here. They were here like once." Sam rolled his eyes "You know I'm right. You need at least two guards on patrol at all times. So hire more. This place is unsafe and it's your fucking fault."

"I'll hire you then!"

"What? Sa-"

"No. You said we need more guards, you're a good fighter, so why not? If you are so worried about this place then work here. Start tomorrow morning at 6."

He marched off before I could get another word in. Cheeky motherfucker.
Guess I work here. It's not like he gave me a choice.

Maybe it won't be that bad. At least I can prevent more deaths. Plus I could use this power to help them kill Dream. So this could be a good thing.

I turned on my heel and stormed off. I turned the corner of Skeppys house a little too quickly and ran straight into someone. I was knocked over when I had looked up Big Q loomed over me.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" He chuckled and held out a hand. I took it and he helped me to my feet.

"I was just leaving the prison. You heading that way?"

He didn't give a verbal answer. He gave a slight nod.

"Why were you at the prison?" It sounded more like a demand than a question. He eyed me suspiciously.

"I was telling Sam how shit of a warden he was for letting a second person die in the prison when it could've been prevented." I didn't hold back. I'm known for being brutally honest.

Quackity's expression turned to a mixture of disgust and anger. He shook his head angrily and walked toward the prison.

Big Q was pretty annoyed when he found out what happened to Tommy. He always fought for justice and I admire him for it.

I should so see how Tommy is dealing with Wilbur being back...


753 words

Some parts of the story will start to trail off from the actual Smp lore. But it will stick to it mostly.

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