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It started making sense now. He never let actual harm come to me. So that's why...

"He asked Wilbur to look after you because he couldn't."

"I'm not sure why. Very few people know about this. I doubt George and Sapnap even know."

Wilbur knew? And he never told me... They lied to me, they all did. I furrowed my eyebrows. Motherfuckers...

"Y/n, he loves you, he really does. He never wanted to hurt you. He often came to me upset because he cares about you."

I believe Puffy, she is his mother after all and my grandmother. I stood up and hugged her. "Thank you. Do you mind if I keep this photo?" I asked.

"Take it, it's yours after all." I thanked her again and left. I examined the photo further. Dream held me in his arms. I looked about a year old. We were both smiling. Dream wasn't wearing his mask. It's the first time I've seen his face well since I was a baby. I studied his face a little better.

His eyes were green and he had light freckles on his cheeks. His smile looks so genuine. God, he's changed so much, hasn't he? I put it in my pocket and made a mental note to put it somewhere safe later. Now I had to find Wilbur.


"You're a hard man to find." I called out to him. He turned as I walked over. I found him near Las Nevadas. I met his crazed stare.

"Ah, Y/n, it's good to see you." He said with a stupid grin on his face. I merely hummed in response.

"Hi, Y/n." Tommy said from behind him. I ignore him for now.

"I just came by to ask a few questions." He prompted to continue. "Why didn't you tell me, you knew. I even asked you and you still told me you didn't know."

I held out the photo of me and Dream. Wilbur's jaw ticked as he stared a the photo. "Woah! Is that you? Wait is that DREAM?!" I jerked my hand back before he grabbed the photo.

"Tommy, go. I want to chat with Y/n." Tommy protested for a minute but decided it is better to leave us be.

"Where did you get that?" He asked quite sternly.

"That's the first thing you have to say? No, 'I'm sorry' or 'I should have told you'?"

He rolled his eyes and took a drag out of his cigarette.

"Why didn't you tell me Wil?" I cried. I couldn't believe he kept this from me.

"I couldn't risk you siding with him." He said simply.

"That was your biggest worry. You know I wouldn't have done that! Did you ever think about how I felt?" My anger was turning into tears. "All those times I asked you and you acted as if you knew nothing."

He took the cigarette from his mouth and threw it on the ground. "You'll get over it." And with that, he turned and left me standing with tears running down my face.


513 words. Also, y/n isn't related to Connor.

300 reads poggers

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