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What I'm doing is illegal and could result in execution, but Dream made those rules and he's not here unless George or Sapnap uphold the same rule.

I found myself in a ravine, I had to be close. I've been searching for hours and I'm not stopping until I get there.


I could hear an Enderman through the wall. I pulled out my pickaxe and started to dig. Surely enough I found it. Trying to find the portal is the next problem. These places are huge. There were few mobs but still no sign of the Enderman I heard. He was nearby but he kept teleporting. Endermen were known to be shy but not this shy. It was unusual but I decided to not think much of it.

I saw an orange glow from down the hall. Must be the room. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The enderman maybe? I used to study them and I learned some of their language. I brushed it off and continued to the portal room.

I walked up the steps to the portal. 3 eyes already placed.

I shouldn't.

Did you honestly come all this way just to give up and go home? Go ahead, walk away like you always do.

I gazed into the lava under the portal weighing my options. Was I being serious about this? I mean I did come a long way and to return with nothing?

I felt eyes on me again but it was more intense. There was someone behind me...

I placed a hand in my unsheathed sword. I was prepared to fight. I wasn't prepared for who was behind me. I spun around and met with a figure practically 9 feet tall. Oh shit.

He wore a mask like Dream but XD was engraved on it. His hair was blonde and he possessed wings like an angel. Must be DreamXD. Not going to lie he's gorgeous.

(Meeku on Twitter)

"What are you doing here?" His voice demanding yet soft. His voice echoed was speechless. Was it from fear or his elegance?

"I- um..." I was at a loss for words. I can't lie to a God, he'd know. Right?

"I can't let you go to end." He raised his hand. I instinctively shielded my head expecting to be struck. The sound of glass shattering rang through the Stronghold. He had destroyed the portal.

"What are you?" I asked

He tilted his head to the side.
"I'm a God." He smiled. Damn, I never believed Dream Xd was real. I spent a lot of time studying different species and whatever I never came across something like him.

But at least I'm not going to the end anymore. I'm kind of relieved. Maybe if I asked, he could help me?

"So I kind of owe someone and-"

"I can't help you with that. Any items from the End are illegal, you know that." Well, fuck. I don't know what I expected. "If I catch you with such items or in the End I will snap your neck." His voice was now demonic making him 10 times more threatening.

"Ok, I won't go there." I raised my hand's defensively and took a step back completely forgetting about the small pool of lava beneath the stairs. I shrieked as I lost my balance and slipped. I shut my eyes and prepared myself.


570 words

Short chapter I know I will post another one today.

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