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Four of us stood in the tower. Tubbo wouldn't look in my direction. It's been a week and he still refused to talk to me.

"We need to come up with a better plan, cause the last one..." Tommy trailed off. We all know what he was talking about.

"We can all agree Dream needs to die." Tubbo said still staring at the wall.

Everyone's gaze turned to me, waiting for my answer. "Y/n, I'm sorry-" Tommy started.

"It's fine" I looked out the window. At first, I was willing to go through with the plan, now I'm not so sure.

"You work as the prison, right Y/n?" Tommy questioned. I turned back to meet his eyes and nodded.
"You could sneak one of us in again or you could do it yourself-"

"I'm not doing it myself." I snapped. The trio stared at me for a moment.

"It's okay, you won't have to." Ranboo tried to comfort me.

"Do we have to? I mean he's in a prison. Isn't that enough?"

"He is still a threat to us. He holds so much power." Tubbo snarled at me. There was a moment of silence.

"I'll think about it." I turned to walk out the door.

"We're killing him with or without you," Tubbo spoke from behind me. "So your choice won't make a difference."

Normally I would argue but I was too tired. I made my way to the prison. I planned to find out Sam's routine, that's if he has one. I kept a watch and notepad on me. I'd have to do this for a few days to make sure I was correct. I just had to make sure I wouldn't raise suspension or get caught. Simple.

Sam's Routine

9.00 am - front desk, filing paperwork.

9.35 am - checking portal and lockers

9.40 am - stocking potions in security

10.00 am - ensure vault door is working

10.10 am - checking door are secure

10.20 am - checking water system locks

10.27 am - stock legal documents

10.36 am - ensure the first bridge works

10.40 am - keep main cell secure

10.43 am - check on prisoner

10.49 am - checks cams

11.00 am - patrol east wing

11.30 am - patrol south wing

Noon - patrol west wing

12.30 pm - patrol north wing.

1.00 pm - return to reception

1.25 pm - lunch break

2.00 pm - check cams again

2.22 pm - documents??

3.00 pm - leave until 9 pm

Simple routine. This place is practically unguarded from 3 pm to 9 pm. Well, I patrol but I wouldn't necessarily stop anyone from breaking him out, so it's unguarded. I just need to watch his routine on cams for the next few days.

Week time skip

Sam's routine is the same every day. It gives me a 6-hour gap to do as I please, unbothered.

I sat outside his cell once again. Do I talk to him? "Dream?" I call out. Can he hear me through the lava?

'Y/n?! Is that you? Oh my god, you have no idea how good it is to hear someone else's voice!"

I giggled. "Wait... You work here... don't you?" He asked.

"Uh. Yeah, I do."

"I was gonna ask you to let me out, but I guess that won't happen." He chuckled sadly.

"I could have that arranged if you want to get out." I could hear him lighten up.

"You can!! Wait- no. Your messing with me."

"I'm serious. Not right now though, I need a plan."

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS MEANS." He yelled out of pure happiness. "Can you deliver a message for me beforehand"

"Depends on what it is." I answered

"Tell Techno not to come here, it a trap." He sounded genuinely fearful.

"I can do that, but in not sure when I'll see him again."

We kept a conversation going for a while. It was light-hearted for once I saw past the stone-cold green Teletubby.  He was much nicer than the Dream I once knew.

I've grown to like him more. I stayed for another hour, it was filled with lighthearted banter.

Then Sam appeared out of nowhere, with Quackity. He wasn't supposed to be here until 9 pm, it's only 6 pm. Sam glared down at me.

"Why are you here?" His tone was intimating.

"I- I was just doing my rounds" I tried my best not to stutter. I stood up to face Sam but he towered over me by at least a foot and a half.

Sam began opening the cell. "Quackity is for a quick visit. I think you should leave."

I was confused. "Shouldn't I say in case something goes wrong?" I noticed the axe Quackity held in his hand. They both caught on to my suspicious stare.

"Y/n, it's better if you leave," Quackity spoke. The lava was finally gone and I could see Dream.

"Y/N! Please don't let him over here. Please!" Dream begged. I eventually caught on to what was happening or what was going to happen.

Sam grabbed my arm tightly enough to make me flinch. "Leave." I never thought Sam could get more intimating, he just did. He dragged me away from the cell.

"Sam please don't hurt her! She hasn't done anything!" I could faintly hear Dream yell.

We made it to the bottom of the stairs. "Go home Y/n." He started making his way back up the steps.

"What are you going to do him?!" My voice shook slightly.

"It doesn't concern you. Plus why should you care? Now go home, don't have me tell you again." He stayed calm the entire time which was scarier than him shouting at me like a lunatic.

I know I can't disobey Sam, so it's best if I made my way home. As I started walking I could hear faint shouting. "Fuck off Quackity!"

"Hey now don't speak to me like that"

There was silence for a moment, then a brutal scream erupted from the cell. It could be heard throughout the prison. I wanted nothing more than to run back and help but I wouldn't stand a chance against Sam by myself.

I left the prison sobbing from whatever I had just witnessed. This place was so messed up. Even after everything Dream has done isn't that a bit much.

I promise you won't have to endure it much longer...

....hang on for a bit, please


1069 words

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