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You sat with your legs hanging off the prime path, looking at the the prison. You were so lost in thought you didn't hear the footsteps approaching. You almost fell off the edge when Tommy sat down beside you.  You tried to act like he didn't just scare the shit out of you, he didn't say anything, just laugh.

You both sat in silence for a few minutes, taking in the sunrise. Tommy finally spoke. "Y'know ever since Dream's been locked up things have gotten better. I'm going to visit him for the last time, cause I wanna live my life." You looked at him with sympathy but he avoided eye contact. "I think this is good for you. To finally be done with Dream."

You both got up and walked to the entrance of the prison. You guys joked around as you waited for Sam. Playfully punching and calling each other names. Finally, Sam showed up, you hugged Tommy still laughing at the jokes he had cracked. "I'll see you in a bit." He said walking over to the warden. "See you soon, dumbass. Don't die" You said jokingly as you walked away. "I'm a big man, I could take Dream if I wanted to!" he shouted before following Sam.

 What an idiot. But at least he will be able to move on.

Not many people seemed to be around. Tubbo and Ranboo were in Snowchester, so you went to hang out with them. Tubbo was walking in the snow.

"Hey, Tubbo!"

"Oh, hello, y/n! Haven't seen you in a bit."

"Yeah it's been a week or so. How are you guys?"

"Pretty good, just got Michael to sleep."

You haven't met Michael yet. I bet he's the sweetest thing ever.


You guys hung out for a while. Tubbo was talking about upgrading the walls, he wants Michael to be protected. You picked up a handful of snow and formed it into a ball. You waited for him to turn around and when he did you hit him straight in the face. He was stunned for a minute, you couldn't help but burst out into laughter. It soon turned into a fight.

You were in the middle of a snowball fight when you both heard the doors open. You turned to see a small child about 2 or 3 years old standing in the doorway holding a yellow blanket and a bee plushie. He looked upset. Tubbo immediately ran over to comfort the small child. He picked him up and walked inside, you followed. He brought him up to his bedroom. Tubbo cuddled the child until he had calmed down.

You kept your distance as you didn't want to scare him. Michael pointed to you and looked at his dad. You took off your helmet and gave him a warm smile, he smiled back before laying down. You left the room so Tubbo could get him back to sleep. You waited for him downstairs.

You realized just how close the prison was to Snowchester. Tubbo was already a target and being this close to the prison wasn't the best idea. I guess the wall are a good idea. It's not like Dream was getting out, but nothing is impossible. As Barbie said "Anything is possible", Girl made an entire song.

Tendency to look at the bad side of things? Nah just being realistic. When or how he would do it, no idea. Dream was clever, too clever. He probably has someone on his side, plus he's been sitting in there for months, he's had loads of time to plan and think things through.

Tubbo finally came back down and you guys talked some more. "I was talking to Michael and he asked if you were his aunt. I don't have any sisters and your one of my best friends, would it be okay if Michael saw you as an aunt?" Your face lit up. "Oh my god, that would be amazing. I would love that." He sat down across from you, he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a distant noise. 

You both walked outside to hear distant explosions, a lot of them. You look over to Tubbo and he had the same worried expression on his face. 

"What the hell?"

"That's not coming from the prison is it. Y/n?"

"But Tommy's in there."

Tubbo grabbed your arm and pulled you inside. You both quietly sat in Michaels room, swords drawn. If Dream escaped he would come here, Tubbo has his armour and weapons. The explosions continued for several minutes. You sat listening for any noise coming from down stairs.

About 10 minutes had passed since the last explosion. As Tubbo was about to open the door the go downstairs the front door opened. You both held up your shields and gripped your weapons tightly, ready to attack. Someone was climbing up the ladder. You raised your weapon.

Your heart rate picked up speed quickly as the trap door was flung open...


School just started up again. So I'm pretty tired. Anyways make sure you hydrate, Have a good day/night.

838 words 

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