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I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I looked over to the clock. 8.36 am. I stretched while sitting up in my bed. I got up and got ready for the day. I began walking down the halway to leave but when I turned the corner I had bumped into Eret. We didn't interact much but I was grateful that he was letting me stay here. I could at least be kind to him. I wasn't one to be rude I always treated everyone with kindness and love even if they didn't deserve it.

"Good Morning Eret! How are you?" I say cheerfully. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Good Morning y/n. I'm doing good. I love seeing your smile it always makes everything better." He said smiling at me. I laughed at the complement. "Okay it was great seeing you this morning, I gotta go do some more things. I'll see you soon y/n?"

"Well I'm gonna go see Tommy, but yeah see you soon Eret!" I walked out the front door. Our conversations were always kind of awkward. Ever since he betrayed L'manberg I haven't really trusted him. I reached the bench within a few minutes. Tommy wasn't there. Typical. He never managed to show up on time. Probably overslept again. I walked over to his house and knocked on his door. No answer, it was dark inside. He was definitely still asleep. I knocked harder.

"Tommy?" I called out as I put my hand on the doorknob and pulled it. It was unlocked. I called out to him again. No answer. I panicked a little. Is he okay?!  I went and knocked on his bedroom door. "Tommy get up, you're late" I slowly opened his door. There he was, asleep. Jesus Christ. "TOMMY!!" I yelled at him. He practically fell out of bed. His eyes were wide, I scared the shit out of him.

" WHAT THE FUCK, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? HOW DID YOU GET IN?" He screamed at me. I just laughed. I was laughing so hard I had to lean on the door frame to stop myself from falling. "Tommy you left the door unlocked and you late, AGAIN!" I said trying to contain my laughter. He just rolled his eyes before getting up. I left to let him get ready. I sat on the bench, it was so more peaceful now that Dream wasn't here. I wasn't living in fear anymore, I felt safe. I was lost in thought I didn't hear Tommy walking up behind me. 

"So I want to tell you about this idea I have." He said sounding really excited. Uh oh, Tommy's ideas were never the best. Mostly consisted of some form of violence. Last time he said he had an idea he destroyed George's house.

"Does it have anything to do with arson, murder or any form violence?" I asked. I never liked creating conflict or even being apart of it. I liked tha peace I wanted it to stay this way. He shook his head and sat down beside me.

"I want to build a hotel. I've already asked Sam to work for me. An employer I am." He said sounding so proud. Maybe this could be good for Tommy, keep him out of trouble. I smiled at him. "Sounds like a good idea. Whereabouts is it?" He got up from the bench and motioned for me to follow. He lead me down the prime path before stopping at a gate. There was someone standing on the other side.

"Is that Awesamdude?" I asked

"What no, that's Sam Nook! He works for me, he also said he was going to protect me, I TommyInnit do not need protecting."

I was pretty relieved to hear that someone was keeping him safe. We didn't enter the building site, Tommy said he needed to gather some materials for Sam Nook. I surprised me, Tommy never took orders from anyone, he always did whatever he wanted to do whenever he wanted to do it.

I couldn't help but notice how intensely Sam Nook was watching me and Tommy. It was intimidating. Tommy opened the gate to the entrance site. "I've have to do somethings, see you later maybe?"

"Yeah I'll see you later Tommy." I began walking away. Sam Nook and Tommy were talking, I left them to it. 

Tommy didn't have anything. Dream took all his armour and weapons again. I wanted to do something nice from him so I went mining.  I felt bad. He had actually worked hard for that armour.


I got back from mining it was around 2pm at this point. I managed to get enough diamond for armour. I unfortunately didn't have any netherite to spare. I left the diamonds in a box with a note. 'Sorry you lost your things to Dream, Hope this helps. THIS IS NOT OUT OF PITY - Anonymous'  

He never accepted things out of pity, I hoped by not putting my name on it he wouldn't be able to give it back.

I should start to build my own house seeing as Dream couldn't destroy it this time. I started to look for a place to build. What if i build it far away from here? Somewhere no-one else has been. It would be safer, right? Yeah

 I began to search for a place that has been untouched by anyone here. It was hard. I went to the nether it would be easier to travel that way. I walked for a bit and found a place not many people have been. I build the portal and hoped it wouldn't link to someone's else's portal. I stepped out and I was in an open area. There were flowers and a few trees around, the land was flat. It was so peaceful and beautiful, away from all the chaos.

I began planning on what I was going to build. I had a few resources near L'manberg. I went back to see what I had. White cement, oak wood, stone bricks and cobblestone. I could make something with this. I didn't want to build something, small and simple. I went back and began building.

It was coming along grood only problem I ran out of resources. Standing back to look at the house it looked somewhat familiar I just couldn't place my finger on it. It gave a medieval vibe. Then I realised it looked similar to Techno's house. Not exactly like it but along those lines.

It was getting late. I'll finish it later. I started my way back, I wasn't tired I just didn't like the idea being outside alone in the dark. I was at the main portal when I saw Ranboo.  I haven't seen him much since Doomsday. I went to approach him, he was standing near the community house.

He heard me walking behind him and whipped his head around. He glared at me. He looked pissed off, it was unusual for him to show aggression. He just stared, I didn't move. 

"Ranboo? Are you okay?" My voice was shaky. I was worried, but he didn't respond. He wrote something in his book before speaking.

"⟟'⋔ ⎎⟟⋏⟒, ⏚⎍⏁ ⊬⍜⎍ ⌇⊑⍜⎍⌰⎅ ⋔⟟⋏⎅ ⊬⍜⎍⍀ ⍜⍙⋏ ⏚⎍⌇⟟⋏⟒⌇⌇" 

Wait what did he just say. I couldn't speak Ender.

He stood over me and fuck was he tall. He looked down at me he looked disgusted almost, but there was one thing I noticed. His eyes. They weren't green and red anymore. Purple? He walked away before I could say anything else.

I was stood in shock. I don't know what just happened. I turned around to see where he was going but he was gone? How? It was only a few seconds how did he get away so quickly?

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