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Sam (Warden)

Is the prison still in
lockdown? If not can

I come by?    

Read 12.06pm

Mothet fucker left me on read. Just gonna assume that its still in lockdown. Damn, another day of doing nothing. I got up from the bench and started to make my way to the portal. To hell I go.

A tall figure was approaching me. I immediately recognised. His long pink hair blew in the wind with his red cape. Kinda elegant ngl. He walked with great confidence.

Let's just say we aren't on the best of terms right now. I couldn't exactly turn and walk the other way he already saw me. I still walked with confidence but deep down this man utterly terrified me. We locked eyes, he's about 6 meters away.

Shit. Fuck.
Please keep walking. Please don't stop me...

"Long time no see." I stopped dead in my tracks. You've gotta be kidding..

I hummed in response as I turned to meet him. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, that's none of you business."

"Fair but people here don't exactly like you." I mean I wasn't lying. His expression didn't change. He stayed silent for a second.

"Now that I think of it, don't you owe me Y/n?" He raised and eyebrow and grinned slightly.

Fuck now what do I say.

"Patients Techno."

"I am. Ive been pretty considerate, I've given you plenty of time, but don't worry I'll see you soon, maybe next week. You better have it."
He turned and continued walking.

I didn't have what he needed my supplies were really limited lately plus he was asking for a lot. Note to self don't ask Techno for help again unless I'm actually able to pay the price.

I'm honestly kind of worried why he would need that stuff. Is he preparing for war and if so with who?

He wanted me to do it so he would have to get his hands dirty. Apparently he had a run in with Dream XD and he had threatened him. I never heard of Dream XD, he's some sort of god from what I heard.

Cant be good news anyway. Dream a god? Yeah, fuck that. Not something I wanna mess around with. I have to atleast try get some materials. Having The Blade as an enemy, yeah, I'm as good as dead.


I made it home and collected everything I'd need. Do I really wanna fo this. Either way I'm dead, if I don't Techno will have my head and if I do it Dream XD will kill me.

Now that I think about it could Techno be making the whole Dream XD thing up? Seems a bit far fetched, a God walking around the SMP and he looks like Dream? Probably bullshit.

The journey would be far, so I had to pack. If I cant find it I might as well not come back.

Heres goes nothing. I looked back at my house one last time. Heaven knows when I'll see it again. I debated saying goodbye to my friends but decided it would be best not to worry them. I don't want them dragged into this.


Its been hours since I left home. I have no idea how close I am. I held the eye of ender delicately in my hand. They're so pretty. They're mesmerising. I threw it in the air letting it lead me in the direction of the Stronghold. The Eye fell and I caught it. This was going to be dangerous and the sun was setting, great.

Why did I ever ask him for a favour, I should've expected him to ask something like this. It was getting to dangerous to be out so I set up for the night.

I had a small campfire burning. It gave off enough light to let me see my surroundings. Sleeping would be my best option so I lay down. My phone buzzed.


Where are you?
1.01 a.m

Getting your shit?
Fuck you want?
1.01 a.m

So you listened?
I'm at your house.
I was gonna surprise you
1.02 am

You said a week no?
1.02 am

I'm sick if waiting y/n.
Hurry up.
I'll be waiting your arrival :)
1.02 am

So he was going to kill me. Thank god I left earlier. Knowing him he'd come looking for me if I didn't return. He's not someone I want to mess with. I'll be up at dawn. The quicker I get it over with the better my chances of living.

Before I could drift off my phone rang. Ranboo?


'I saw Techno at you're house, are you okay? what happened?'

'Damn, everyone having a party at my house or something?' I joked to ease some tension. 'I'm fine, I'm not at home.'

'Okay. Where are you, I'll go to you?'

'Bout that. I'm really far away, ill be travelling for a day or two.'

'Wait by yourself? And you didn't tell anyone? Y/n, that's so dangerous! What if something happens??' The concern in his voice was so genuine. He acted like an older brother.

'I'll be fine don't worry. I'll be back in a day or so. Also don't tell Tubbo, he doesn't need to know, he's dealing with a lot.'

We talked for a while longer. We said goodbye and hung up not before Ranboo told me to stay safe like 20 times. 1.50 am. Great I'll never have the energy to hike tomorrow. I threw my phone down and lay looking at the stars. I just hope the strong hold is near I'm already exhausted...


940 words

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