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Shout out to DreamSMPteam2 it is her birthday. She's been really supportive of my book since day 1. Go wish her happy birthday 😡

2 days, 5 hours.

The closer it got the more nauseous I feel. I'm mostly worried about what my friends will think. I won't have friends after this I'm sure...

We have everything we need. It's just a matter of waiting now. I found out that Techno put his armour and weapons in his ender chest. Man's smart.

So I need to bring in Dreams armour and an ender chest, surely Dream has something useful in his chest.

I lay staring at the ceiling. It's only 7 pm but I should still sleep. I haven't slept in days. I tossed and turned for a while. This isn't going to work, is it?

I sat up, still unable to sleep. I sighed and walked to the bathroom. I'm a mess. Dark circles lay under my eyes. You look like shit...

I opened the cabinet and took out sleeping pills. I haven't used these in a year... I took 2 and I washed my face with warm water.

I brought a glass of water back to bed. I dropped onto the bed. Cooper jumped up beside me. "Hey, Cooper." She snuggled into the crook of my neck. I sighed again.


10:58 am. Holy shit I slept a while. Yet I'm still tired.  At least the medication worked. Cooper was still asleep on the bed. I got up quietly so I wouldn't disturb her.

1 missed call from Tommy.

Fuck... I called him back almost immediately after seeing the message.


"Hey! You called me, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's great. I just wanted to ask you if you're free tomorrow night?"

Tomorrow night...

"Ehh... I can't I have to work... I'm free tonight!"

"I'm helping Tubbo and Ranboo with some weird building shit. You can come, we need some help."

"I don't think Tubbo wants me around him. It's best if I don't go."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay, see you later woman."

He hung up before I could say anything else. I took the phone down from my ear. "I'm sorry Tommy..." I placed it on the counter.

I'm going through with this. I'm not going to let anything stop me. People won't look down on me. Better to be feared than loved. I work better on my own.

Damn, I am a psycho. Guess it runs in the family. I should burn down an orphanage with Techno a few we get him out. Bonding times with my besties.

*New message*

Where are you?

Who is this?

Where are you?

Home? Why?
How did you get my number?

I'm coming over
I need to talk

About what?
Can we leave this for another time?

It's important

I have to leave soon
Just tell me what it is

It's better if I tell you in person


What the fuck now? Jesus, I can never get a break from people. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. I reluctantly got up to answer.

When I opened the door Sapnap stood in the door. Why does everyone tower over me?

(I'm actually really tall 😂. I'm 6 ft. For the sake of the story, y/n is 5'6.)

"What do you want I need to leave soon." I lied

"People are worried about you. You've been acting strange and..."

"I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me, you can leave now." I tried to close the door but Sapnap blocked it with his foot. He pushed the door back open.

"God... You act like him..." He smiled
I stared at him confused. "Even when you were a child you acted like him." He continued.

"Y/n I'm worried you're going down the same path. You look like you haven't slept in days, you've been isolated and well, you've been acting off..."

"I'm fine... I've just been working hard y'know." More lies.

"Get some rest. Seriously though, don't go off the rails like your dad or adoptive dad." He joked. I didn't laugh I was hoping he'd get the message.

"Dream acted like this before... Y'know." He continued. Why can't he just leave?

"I'm not going crazy. I'm just tired..." He finally got that I was hinting at him to leave and he did.

Everyone finds out Dream is your dad and they all assume you're a psycho bitch just like him. And they'd be right.

Just like him

A psycho...


765 words

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