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"Why?" I heard a voice say from the other room.

"I've already explained that." Someone answered.

"I know, I know. I'm just trying to comprehend it. I mean what kind of parent just hands over their child like that."

There was silence for a moment.

"Listen I'm sure you have your hands full with Tommy why don't you let me take them in?"

"No... He's asked me to take care of her."

"I know but Tommy is 1 and she's 3. Tommy is already a handful and adding another toddler isn't a good idea. Let me take her in."

"What about Fundy?"

"He's turning 7 next week and I'm pretty sure he'd like a sister."

"I'm just worried it will be difficult now that Sally's..."

The man sighed. "I can handle it."


I sat on my bed with my knees drawn to my chest. Fundy had wrapped his arms around me in a protective manner. I could still hear the arguing.

"You need to remain calm you can't lash out like that. She didn't mean it she's 4. She doesn't understand..."

"You don't understand."

"Understand?! Why we're you having a meeting when you were supposed to be looking after a child!"

It was the first time I heard Wilbur genuinely angry. It scared me. Earlier that day Wilbur had to run errands and Dream insisted he'd look after me for a few hours.

We got back to the community house and he told me to wait in the living room.

I did but I got bored after a while as there was nothing to do in the small room. Eventually, I got hungry and decided to go look for someone.

As I wandered throughout the house I heard talking coming from a room. The door was left ajar and I peeked inside.
I saw Dream, George, Sapnap and a few other people I didn't know sitting at a table.

I quietly opened the door and stepped inside. The first person to notice me was a young man in a suit. He let out a small laugh. Everyone turned to look at him.

"Is the kid yours?" He chuckled

They turned to see me standing beside Dream. Embarrassed I gently grabbed onto his green hoodie. The strangers sneered.

Dream roughly pulled his arm away and pushed be back. His cheeks were tinted red and he glared at me.

"No." He spat. "She's Wilburs. I have the joy of looking after her." The sarcasm was evident but I didn't quite get it.

"Ah, so you're a babysitter now?" Another laughed.

Dream clenched his fist tightly before he stood up angrily. I looked up at the man who towered over me. He grabbed me by my f/c sweater and dragged me out of the room and back to the living room. He picked me up and put me on the couch.

"I thought I told you to stay here!" He spat. I flinched at his harsh tone.

"I'm sorry... I was hungry..." I spoke softly and I avoided his gaze. Dream let out a big sigh.

"Of course you are." He rolled his eyes and left me alone in the room.

"The brat's hungry, George go get her something to eat or don't I don't give a fuck."

Laughter shortly followed. My eyes filled with tears. I don't understand what I did wrong.

George appeared in front of me. He kneeled beside me.

"You wanna get some food?" He asked softly. I nodded and wiped my tear with the sleeve of my sweater. George picked me up and carried me to the kitchen. He sat me on the counter and made me a sandwich. 

"You neglected her because you were embarrassed!? Now that's pathetic."


"Happy Birthday Y/n!!" They all cheered.

"Thank you so much," I spoke shyly.
Wilbur walked over and hugged me.

"I got you something. It's not much but I think you'll like it."

He handed me a wrapped present. It was soft. I opened the gift. I stared at it confused for a moment.

I took it out of the wrapping paper and realised it was a jacket. I gasped. A L'manburg jacket!!!

I jumped with excitement. "NO WAY!!"

Wilbur smiled down at me and laughed. "I know how much you wanted one. Go try it on."

I quickly ran off to another room to change. When I put it on it fitted perfectly. I quickly left to show everyone.

"It looks amazing."

"It fits you perfectly."

"Suites you Y/n."

I smiled at the compliments. I ran to Wilbur and threw my arms around him.

"Thanks, dad I love it."


My body felt cold. Pain surged through me. I felt paralysed.

787 words

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