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"DAD!!!" Michael squealed with delight as Ranboo climb up into the room. You and Tubbo lowered your weapons and let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you guys okay? What happened?" Ranboo asked looking at the two in full armour with weapons in hand. You looked at him confused. Did he not hear the explosions at the prison?
Tubbo hugged him, he was happy to see he was ok.

"Should we ask Sam what happened. If Dream got out, sirens would have gone off by now." They both agreed. Tubbo wanted yo stay with Micheal, so you and Ranboo went to the prison.

Walking by the prison you could see some of the guards on the roof. You got ot the front of the prison and you were met by Sam.

"Is everything ok? What happened?" You began to worry for Tommy. Is he ok? Is he still with Dream?

"The prison is in lockdown there-" You didn't let him finish.

"What happened to Tommy? Is he ok? Where is he?" You only really feared for his safety. Dream wouldn't hurt him. Right?

"He's fine, calm down y/n. He will have to stay here for at least a week, it's protocol." He turned to walk away.

"He's not stuck with Dream. Right?" The look on Sams face said it all. Ranboo finally spoke up, his tone filled with annoyance and worry. "Sam you know that not safe, you know what Dream did to him. Can you at least move him fr-"
Sam cut him off.

"No. Its not safe. No one enters or leaves the cell. If there is damage to any security systems Dream can escape!" And with that he turned on his heels and walked into the prison.

Shit. Tommys not safe there. 

Ranboo seemed to have read your mind. He placed a hand on your shoulder. "Sam won't let anything happen to Tommy, that's his job, to keep him safe." He was right but you still worried for him.


Ranboo had told Tubbo what Sam had said. He just sat there, he looked oblivious to what Ranboo just said.
"Oh..Well..  That sucks. Anyways I was gonna cook cookies with Micheal, you guys wanna help?" You and Ranboo both looked at each other with confusion. "Uhm... no, I should go home." There was an awkward silence for a second. "Thats ok, see you soon. Michael say goodbye to y/n." Tubbo said sounding overly cheery.

Michael didn't speak but he ran up and hugged your legs. You crouched down to hug him back before saying goodbye and leaving.

You began your journey home. Who would try blow up the prison and why. Who wanted Dream out of prison that bad. As far as you knew everyone hated him, even Sapnap, his best friend.


You took your time getting home. You gave yourself time to try comprehend what happened. You got home and started writing. Throwing your thoughts on a page often helped in some way.

George, he wanted Dream out of prison.
Technoblade, owes Dream.
Eggpire?? Power maybe?
Ranboo? No he hates Dream.
Sam wouldn't its his job to keep him there.
Jack, no motive.
Niki, no motive.
Tubbo, he was with me.
Sapnap, wants him to stay there.
Karl, no motive?
Big Q, doubt he liked Dream.
Hannah, no motive
Puffy, she was his mother but she wanted him to stay there. She knows he dangerous.
Foolish, although brothers he wouldn't?
Phil, no motive, but is best friends with Techno.
Fundy, doesn't like Dream
Ghostbur, he wouldn't, he's to sweet
Punz, mixed vibe with him.
Ponk, he is friends with Dream
Eret, doesn't exactly like Dream
Hbomb, no motive
Connor, no motive.

At least you could rule some people out. Surely Sam would figure it out he's smart. He would keep Tommy safe. You managed to ease yourself.

You cuddled up beside your already sleeping dog. After a few minutes you were asleep.

☆~Tommy's P.O.V ~☆

"SAAAM!! SAM. sam...?" There was no response. Tear were building up in my eyes. I couldn't let Dream see my cry. I blinked away the tears.

"He's not coming Tommy. " he laughed. That fucking laugh. He mocked me.
I walked over to one of the corner and sat down, pulling my knees into my chest.

He stared at me I could feel it. I didn't want to look at him. I hate to admit it but I'm scared, he knows it.

He sat crossed legged infront of me. "Well, your gonna be here a while, might aswell get along."

"Fuck. Off."

He rolled his eyes and walked over to the other side of the cell. We sat in silence. I knew what I signed, I could be in here for a week. Coming here was a mistake.

I just want to go home, to see my friends. Not stuck in here with this bastard...


I'll try update more but school things ya know :/
Hope your enjoying it so far. If you could give feedback I'd really appreciate it

846 words.

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