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I'm not falling...

I opened my eyes. Sam was holding me by the collar of my shirt. My feet were on the ledge but I was held at an angle, if he let go I'd fall. I held my arm out. "Let me fall..."

"Letting you die would be too good for you. You're going to pay."

He roughly dragged me over the rail and threw me to the floor. I was immediately seized by Sam and Purpled. I was yanked to my feet. I thrashed around trying to break free from their grip. No use...

We reached the ground and I was met with a very distressed teenager. I couldn't look him in the eyes. "There's no way Y/n did this on her own account. She was manipulated into this... I know her... She..."

I kept my gaze on the ground. "You were manipulated into this... Right??"
My silence said it all. I looked over to the casino, Dream was crouched down on the roof. He was barely visible. I immediately looked to Tommy so I wouldn't give his location away.

Tears threatened to spill from his eyes. I'm a horrible person, but he'll get over it...

I noticed that Purpled's grip had loosened because I had stopped fighting. Now!

I broke from his grasp and threw a punch at Sam who wasn't expecting it. This is the second time I've punched someone in the face. Good job.

I dropped my sword when Sam shoved me. I pulled out my dagger it was a decent size. I slashed at Purpled who had lunged at me. I didn't do much damage I cut his shoulder. Puffy stood aside letting me run past.

I know I wouldn't get far with my leg but it's worth a shot. I barely got 3 meters before Sam had his hand on me. Once again he threw me to the ground so hard it knocked the wind out of me. I coughed and gasped for air. I lay on my back trying to catch my breath.

I tried to sit up but Sam pushed my back down with his foot. "Sam... She's just a kid... Chill out..." I heard Puffy mutter to him. "She's an adult, she knew what she was doing." He snarled not taking his eyes off me. I looked back to the roof. He was gone. Is he coming to help or did he run off?

Sapnap returned. He had been looking for Dream with Ant, Quackity and Callahan. "We've completely lost him." He spoke out of breath.

"It's fine. He'll come back from his precious daughter." Sam's tone was a little too cheerful. I few gasps could be heard. A lot of people didn't know. They hoisted me back onto my feet again. I didn't feel like fighting right now.

Sapnap glared at me with pure hatred. He held the point of his sword to my throat. One wrong move I'll bleed out and die. My hands were restricted behind my back. Guess they weren't that stupid.

"I have a good reason to kill you right now." Sapnap spat. I giggled. "So do it." He was taken aback by my response.

I could see Dream out of the corner of my eye. I didn't react. But someone else caught my attention. Wilbur stood in the crowd. Did this motherfucker betray us?! I shot him a glare, he just nodded. The fuck does that mean.

Sapnaps glare latched onto something behind me. It was Dream. They all got into a stance. Sam just kept a firm grip on me.

"So? Come to get your daughter?" Sam taunted.

"Yes, I have actually. It would be great if you could hand her over."

"Now why would I do that?"

"You have no reason to keep her. I'm here I'm the one you want." Dream stepped closer.

Sam held his blade to my neck. "Drop everything and comply with me. She will leave unharmed."

"You won't kill her." Dream snickered. Life or death situation and he says this...

"Who says I won't?"

"You'd do anything to have me back in that cell. You'd use her to get me back."
I let out a shaky breath. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

Before I could process anything some of them lunged and started attacking Dream. I was pulled away from the chaos. Fight back!!

I struggled to get out of Sam clutch. It was extremely hard now that my hands were bound behind my back. I looked back, Dream had managed to take down 2 people. He had them badly injured, not enough to kill them, just enough so they couldn't get back up.

I caught Wills eyes again. He was going to attack Sam. Wait... His armour... He took it off back at the prison. IDIOT!!

He was behind Sam. Wilbur swung his sword and it struck Sam's arm. He didn't do much harm his armour took most of the impact.

Seeing Will had no armour Sam took him as an easy target. He let go of me to fight Wilbur. Will was surprisingly good at dogging. Sam couldn't land a single hit.

Should I run or do I help? I can't help my arms are tied. Dumbass. Do I just stand here awkwardly?

I felt the cuffs on my wrists open. Tommy was picking the lock and opening it while everyone was distracted.

I saw Philza and Technoblade standing near the exit of Las Nevadas. They were quickly making their way towards us. But not quick enough. I was harshly grabby by my hair.

I saw Wilbur laying lifeless on the ground. His abdomen was slashed and he was bleeding out.

"Traitor." Sam muttered. I sharp pain rang through my body. I let out a short high pitched scream. It caught the attention of everyone. I felt the sword being ripped out of my back. I instantly felt unstable. Sam let go of my and I  dropped to the ground.

"Y/N!!" Dream screamed from somewhere among the people. Tommy dropped to my side tears streaming down his face.

"Y/n... Don't leave... Y-you promised me... YOU PROMISED!!" He held my head in his hands. "i- i can't lose you..." He sobbed.

"I'm so sorry..." I cried. It was quiet only Tommys cries could be heard.
"D...ream..." It was all I could get out. I was losing blood fast and my sight had gone blurry. "i want... my dad..." I whimpered. I felt my mouth slowly fill with blood.

I can't move.

can't see.
I can't feel...

I was in a train cart.

It stopped.

I stepped out




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