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That was weird. You didn't know how to react, you just stood there for a few minutes. Sapnap was at the community house. He looked just as confused as you. 

"Um what happened to Ranboo?" Sapnap didn't seem to have an answer. He shook his head. "I don't know, I gave him a message from Dream and he just started acting weird.. has he ever acted like that before?"

"No, I don't think so. What was the message?" Sapnap took out a small piece of paper and showed it to you. It was a smiley face. This just confused you more, why would he act like that over a smile? "Do you know what it means?" He asked putting the paper back into his pocket. You shook your head. There was an awkward silence, Sapnap just nodded his head and walked away.

You wanted to ask him about Dream, but why? It's not like you cared about him, he was a horrible person... Well maybe not to your but the people you cared about. Now that you think about it, Dream was pretty friendly.


You were fighting with your own thoughts, until you heard a branch snap behind you. You whipped your head around to see nothing. "Hello? Um.. Ranboo?"  You could feel someone's gaze burning into you. You decided not to approach where the noise came from, you weren't wearing armour and had left your weapons at home. You were getting paranoid, looking behind you every few minutes. 

With every step you took you got more nervous, it felt like someone was going to jump out of nowhere. You had finally made it home and you felt somewhat safe. You just had to finish up some last touches with your house. It had been a long day, you want nothing more than to sleep. You left the lights on as you climbed into bed. Sleeping with the lights on made you feel safe.

As tired as you were you couldn't sleep. Once again Dream popped up into your mind again. You let out a sigh before shutting your eyes trying to force yourself to sleep.

-.-.-.- (timeskip) 

You rolled over to look at the clock, 2.33 A.M. You sat up realising that you weren't going to get sleep tonight, this wasn't uncommon for you. Staring out the window at the rain was comforting. You let your mind wander, L'manberg managed to creep it's way into your thoughts. You smiled, remembering how happy everyone was. You thought back to the first L'manberg.

*^*^* (flashback)

You sat on the step of the caravan sharpening your sword while listening to Tubbo and Tommy joke around. "Hey y/n, can we ask you something?" Tommy said while Tubbo stood behind him smiling. "Yeah? what's up child" He immediately stopped smiling. "I'M NOT A FUCKING CHILD, I'M A BIG MAN, a wife haver as they say. Anyways will you sneak out with us tonight? We're going to go to my houses and get some stuff."

You smiled at the idea but you knew it was too dangerous. "Tommy you know what will happen if we are caught, right?" 

"Well then just don't get caught okay? Also don't  tell Wilbur!" He laughed. "We are going with or without you, you can't stop us." Tubbo added. It wouldn't be safe to let them out by themselves, at least if you went with them you could protect them if anything happened. "Fine. I'll go, meet at the gates at 9 P.M and be quiet." The 2 boys were thrilled and ran off excitedly. You shook your head, smiling and went back to fixing your weapons.

You walked back to the small house you had set up in L'manberg. You began to prepare to sneak out, it was getting dark. You placed your sword into your sheath, you didn't have armour as Wilbur was against it so you would have to go without. It was 8.55 P.M you got to the gate and neither of the boys were to be seen. Shit did they leave or are they late?

You heard quiet footsteps nearing, it was Tommy and Tubbo. "You guys ready?" you asked as you put your hand out to open the gate. They both nodded. You 3 walked through the woods as you'd have a less chance of being seen. You finally made it to Tommy's house, he walked in and started collecting food, wood, diamonds and a few other non important supplies. They had booth been surprisingly quiet, they must have been extremely nervous.

"I have a small base not far from here, its underground I have a few good things" You have been preparing for a war from a short while, so had Tommy. You all walked towards the door but froze when you heard slow, heavy footsteps.  You all crouched down. Tubbo shot you a worried glance, he was frightened, you all were. 

Tommy poked his head up to look out the door, he immediately jumped back. "shit, shit,shit.... it's dream. Fuck he saw me!!" Tommy whispered his eyes wide. "we need to leave, right fucking now.." You grabbed the two by their wrists and ran out the back. You heard the front door violently swing open. They began to climb onto the roof of the small house, you followed shortly after. Keeping them safe was your top priority right now.

A cold hand gripped your ankle tightly. You let out a shriek and started violently kicking trying to release from their grip. Tommy ran over and began to pull you up in an attempt to help. "Tommy go back. I can deal with this keep stay safe." He gave a confused look and shook his head. Tubbo pulled out a sword and swung at the hand. The man let out a loud groan before letting go. It was a deep gash. 

You scrambled to your feet and you all made a dash for L'manberg. Tommy burst through the gate and waited for you and Tubbo before closing and locking it. You kept running to your house with Tubbo, Tommy close behind.


You looked back at the clock it was 3.55 A.M. You let out a sigh before laying back down on the bed. You closed your eyes, the sound of the rain outside was calming and you soon drifted off to sleep.


1064 words

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