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My senses came back slowly. I first felt myself laying on the sand. I heard distant voices. It sounded like Wilbur. He's arguing? I tried opening my eyes but quickly shut them due to the blinding sunlight.

Memories flashed in my mind but they disappeared just as soon as they came. I watched them slip away, helplessly. What the fuck is happening...

I opened my eyes again and I gave them time to adjust to the light. I looked around, confused... I was sat near the base of a tower. I took in the test of my surroundings. Las Nevadas. I read the sign and continued to glance around. Why am I here?

As I got up I noticed my hands were slightly transparent. And, well... I float. Not much, about an inch or so.

Oh fuck...

I'm a ghost...

I felt uneasy. I didn't like this place much. It felt like it held a lot of negative energy.

I floated around exploring the area. I came across a restaurant, there was a man with a beanie who was sat with his back turned to me. I immediately recognised him as Quackity. A smile spread across my face. I was glad to finally see someone I knew. I hoped he knew what happened so he could explain everything to me. I began quietly approaching him.

"Quackity!" I called out happily. He turned around and his face dropped. He went from happy to confused to angry in a matter of seconds.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He spat. I flinched, confused about why he was so angry. "You're supposed to be dead. You-" He stopped mid-sentence, looking me up and down before realising I was in fact still dead. He looked at me with pure disgust. "You're not wanted here, after everything you've done. I thought I could trust you, we all did! And then you go and pull that shit!"

"I don't understand..." I tilted my head in confusion.

"Oh come on, don't play dumb now." He laughed. When my expression didn't change he realised I was being serious. I didn't know what he was talking about. I smug smile appeared on his face. "So... You have no memory?"

"Um... I have some memories!" I smiled. He gestured for me to continue. "Well, I remember... Oh! I remember you in Pogtopia. You tended to strip naked and scream at people."

He burst out laughing. "Yeah... I did, didn't I?"

"You're my friend?" I asked. He was silent for a minute but quickly smiled again. "Yeah, I'm your friend." He opened his mouth to speak again but got interrupted.

"Quackity from Las Nevadas!!" A boy called out from behind him. He wore clothes similar to Quackity only his tie and suspenders were green. He wore glasses and looked like he had a slime ball in his hair. "Oh hello there! Y/n from L'manburg, I just want to clarify that I'm definitely not a piece of goo disguising myself as a human."

Quackity dragged his hand down his face and rolled his eyes. He went to speak again but the man quickly interrupted. "Dap me up!" He held his hand up expectantly. I simply blinked at him not understanding what he was asking of me. Quackity just looked irritated. "We need to get going." He ushered me out of the restaurant. "Walk with me Y/n."

"Oh, I can't walk. I float." I giggled. He smiled then motioned for me to follow and I did. "So you came back... Why?" He asked.

"Something about unfinished business." I glanced around taking in my surroundings more. Quackity's eyes widened at my words. "What kind of business?!" He asked quite aggressively.

"I- I can't remember..." Dreams name flickered in my mind. I couldn't understand why. Quackity slowly nodded at my response.

"What happened?" I asked


"Earlier you said I wasn't wanted here after everything I had done. What did I do?"

He shook his head and smiled at me lightly. "Don't worry about it, but a lot of people don't like you anymore. I suggest you stay with me for a while. I can give you a job at the casino, I'll need a few workers and strippers." He mumbled the last part to himself I still managed to hear. "A stripper?" I questioned. He chuckled nervously. "I'm just kidding unless you want to..."

There was an awkward silence. I shrugged. If I'm being honest I don't know what a stripper is.

"I'm your only friend, you know that?" He spoke again. "Everything I'm doing is to help you out. So please, stay here."

Although I don't want to I don't have much of a choice. Like he said no one likes me. Whatever I've done was bad. Bad enough for my friends to hate my guts. So where else would I go?

"I don't know how to work in a casino."

"Don't worry, I'll teach you a few tricks. You'll be my right-hand man- well woman."

I smiled at the idea. "I'd like to stay."

"Great! Having you around will be amazing. I'll have to introduce you to some of our members. You've already met Charlie. Tomorrow I'll introduce you to Sam, Purpled and Foolish."

He led me back and said I could stay in the hotel. Originally I wanted to go out and find my friends but after everything Quackity has told me I don't think they want to see me. He said it would be best for me to stay in the hotel until he comes to get me tomorrow.
I floated around the empty lobby looking at the decorations and chandeliers. They're so pretty. I'm allowed to roam this place. Since ghosts don't need sleep I have all night to look at this place.


Slow updates I know I'm sorry. I don't have much motivation lately and I blame school. It's already stressing and I haven't started yet. Hope you're doing well.

ily (platonically)

1004 words

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