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My heart hurt so much. Why was this kept secret for so long? I wiped the tears from my face, I looked at the photo once more.

Footsteps we're coming towards me and fast. I looked up to see Tommy. "Y/n, is everything okay?" He was worried. Shit, he saw me upset. I nodded and gave him a weak smile. I held out the picture to him. He took it gently from my hands and studied it.

"Who is that?" He said handing the picture back.

"It's me and my father. Biological father." Tommy's jaw dropped. I put it back into my pocket. I could see Tommy had more questions on his mind. "You can ask questions y'know."

He walked with me. "So have you met him? Do you know who he is?"

"Yes and yes, I've known him a long time, just didn't know he was my dad."

"Who is he, I don't recognise him."

Great how am I supposed to tell Tommy the man who started a war with us, blew up our country, manipulated him, almost killed his best friends and killed him in prison is my father.

"About that..."

"Is he dead? I'm sorry."

"No, no he's alive... He's just..."

He looked at me confused. I began to fidget with my hands. Tommy picked up on it.

"Are you gonna tell me or...?"

"If I'm being honest, I don't think you want to know."

"I really do, please tell me Y/n." He begged for an answer. I wanted to tell him, I really did, but I don't know how he'll take it. I didn't give him an answer.

"If I guess it will you tell me?" He was like a small child begging for more candy.

"Okay, go on."

"Yes! Okay, lemme think. Philza Minecraft!" I laughed and said no. He thought for a moment.


"He's younger than me idiot."

"There's not many blonde people."

"Oh. My. God. Am I your father!"
I burst out laughing as did he. This guy was such a fool, but I love him for it. (Platonically)
He went quiet and thought again.

"Lemme guess, it's fucking Dream." He said jokingly. I gave a slight smile and looked at the ground. All of a sudden this grass was way more interesting.

"Y/n." I met his eyes he was still smiling. Once he saw my reaction his face dropped. "He not actually, you're fucking with me..." He forced a small laugh.

"He... Yeah, he is." I finally spoke. He stood there stunned. "How long have you know?"

"I found out about an hour ago" He nodded in response.

"I'm not going to hate you for it, it's not like you got to choose." I still felt bad. He's hurt Tommy so much. I hope he'll still treat me the same.


We made our way towards the Dream SMP. We joked around on our way there. Tommy asked a few questions but it was mostly light-hearted banter.

"WAIT!" He shouted. Tommy stopped walking and stared at me. He looked so serious. "Is Fundy your stepdad?" He said in a serious tone of voice.

We both stood frozen. Then burst out laughing. "They never got married, idiot. That was just a joke. " I said between laughs.

"Oh..." He actually believes that they're married. "So they didn't get married?" I started to laugh at him again. He got the hint and pushed past me. "I knew they weren't married I was just joking."

I jogged to catch up to him. I punched him playfully. "I can't believe you assumed that."

"Oh shut up, I did not." He pushed me lightly. I lost my balance and fell to my knees. "BAHAHA, who's the idiot now." He teased.

I grabbed my axe "Your dead you British fuck." I smiled. He let out a high pitched scream and started sprinting down the oak path. I wasn't planning on actually hurting him, this was how played when we were younger.

I got up and chased after him. Lucky for him his long legs carried him quickly. He took a sharp turn into the woods. Motherfucker. I caught up to where I saw him last. I walked along the tree line, he wanted me to follow into the woods. He's pulled this trick one too many times.

I paced by the trees line looking for movement. Nothing. Huh, weird.
"Tommy~," I sang. "Stop hiding in the wood like a pussy, come out." There was nothing for a minute. A twig snapped behind a bush and I jumped towards it.

I followed the sound of leaves and branches snapping. I could see Tommy bright red shirt. I was led to a clearing in the forest. He was nowhere to be seen. What the fuck...

I spun around to see Tommy lunging at me with a sword. The sound of our weapons colliding was ear piercing. We took a step back and got into a proper stance. I swung my axe towards him, he blocked with his shield. Unfortunately, my axe was stuck in his shield. He threw his shield away while my axe was still stuck. I was disarmed.

I took my dagger out, I wasn't giving up easily. He swung at me and I dodged his attacks fairly easily. It went on like this for a while longer. Tommy had tired himself out. I saw the chance to tackle him and I did, successfully. I pinned him down and held my dagger to his throat. "Easy win." He scoffed in response.

I got up and held out a hand for him. He took it but dragged me to the ground. Should've seen it coming. We wrestled on the ground for a few minutes. He managed to pin my arms behind my back. My face was shoved into the grass. He sat on me. It was uncomfortable, to say the least.

"Okay, okay, you win. Now let me up."

He smiled down at me. "Nah. I kinda like it here, don't you?" I kicked my legs out to no avail. I let out a sigh of frustration and I let myself go limp. Tommy giggled. "You finally give up?"

"YES!" I retorted. He got off me and held out a hand. "Truce?" I glared at him before taking his hand. He pulled me to my feet. We picked up our shields and weapons.

We found our way out of the woods and ended up near Snowchester. I decided to go see Tubbo, Tommy came along too. Tommy cracked some jokes on our way some of which were actually funny.

1108 words

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