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Happy Pride month 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

So the plan is simple. They break in, kill him then get the fuck out. We spent the past week planning in the tower Tommy had built outside the prison.

Ghostbur would visit Dream and Tommy would follow while invisible. We gave him plenty of invis and fire res pots. All he has to do is stick to the plan and not get caught.

Sending Tommy isn't the best idea, we all know what happened last time... Plus he can be an idiot. He'll probably get busted. Sam won't take it lightly. 

It's risky. Way too risky. But it has to be done right?

So many things could go wrong. He could get caught, someone could die or get seriously injured or Dream could escape.

"I don't think we should send Ghostbur..." Let's be real he can't lie for shit. It would be better if they sent me in.

"We don't have much of a choice. Ranboo is banned from the prison and Tubbo is the first person on Dreams hit list. It's too dangerous for him."

"Why can't you send me?"

Tommy just shook his head, he didn't make eye contact with me either. Is this because he was my friend. Do they not trust me?

I looked to Tubbo for an answer but he turned away. Their reactions gave me all the information I needed...

"So you don't trust me?! Just because I was his friend doesn't mean I want him free. C'mon Tommy, you know me. I'm not like that..." I exclaimed.

"I trust you, I do. It's just Ghostbur y'know. He wants to see Dream so it would only make sense to bring him."

At least I know where Ghostbur gets his horrible lying from.

"Right... Whatever just go."

The two left and headed to the prison. The rest of us stayed in the tower. It was awkward, to say the least, I would have up and left but they'd need me if something went wrong.

We shared awkward glances before I climbed the ladder leaving them to their own devices.

I sat on the rail of the tower watching the sunset over the prison. I felt bad for lashing out at Tommy but I don't understand why they can't trust me. I fought alongside them, I fought against Dream. They're my best friends, basically family... I had always prioritised them. I just can't understand why.


Ranboo and Tubbo left to meet Tommy at the prison entrance. That was about 10 minutes ago.

I heard distant yelling and walked to the other side of the tower to see. Of course, it was Tommy and he was flailing his arms around. I could see the duo trying to calm him down.

I ascended from the tower and walked towards them on the path. The closer I got the clearer his words became.

"He's fucking dead! This isn't a joke HE'S GONE!!" Tommy screamed.

"What do you mean he's dead? He's a ghost. Did Dream...?" Ranboo trailed off but we understood what he was going to say.

Tommy dropped to his knees sobbing. Once again he had to witness someone he loved die.

As much as I wanted to argue about them not sending me now was not the time. I knelt beside the blonde before I could say anything he had tossed his arms around me. I let him sob into my shoulder. Tubbo had also knelt to comfort him.


Tommy stood up and wiped the tears from his eyes. "He said he was going to revive Wilbur."

All our eyes widened in disbelief. There was no way, right? Even though he always said he would.

"If he is alive... Where would we even find him?" Tubbo stood up as did I. Tommy thought for a moment.

"The place he died. It would make sense, wouldn't it? Come on." Tommy turned and started jogging towards L'manburg.

Ranboo turned to me. "So I don't know much about Wilbur, all I know is that he's not a good person. I thought Tommy would be glad to have him back, no?"

"Wilbur hasn't changed. He's still a psychopath and all that time in limbo has probably made him worse."

I walked with the group over to Wils memorial.

"Maybe he's not here. Maybe the revive book only works once." Tubbo mumbled. We stood a few meters away. It didn't seem like anyone was there.

"We'll face this as a group, okay?" I told them, they all silently agreed and we walked over.

Sure enough, there he was. It was Wilbur alright, still had that same crazed look in his eyes.

"Oh, Hello again."


780 words
Sorry for slow updates I have work for 7am till 3pm 😩

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