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Only a few people know of Wilbur's revival. It's been about a week. He went a spoke to Phil a day after we spoke to him. He's been acting very protective over Tommy lately. Like if Ranboo ever spoke to him Wilbur would almost immediately break it up and bring Tommy elsewhere.

Even when I talk to Tommy Wilbur either eavesdrop or he watches intensely. It's hard to pry Tommy away from him.

I was walking by Tommy's hotel, well 'Jackmanifolds' hotel. I was pretty mad at Jack since he straight up told Tommy he tried to kill him. Tommy didn't seem too bothered about it but I'm sure he was still out of it, he was just revived at the time.

Jack stood outside the hotel. That's the last place I wanted him. I wanted to try to sneak onto the rooftop. The more I think about it, it would be funny if I just walked straight by him and took the stairs to the roof.

So I did just that. I walked straight past him. "Uh, what are you doing? HEY! COME DOWN HERE!" He yelled as he ran after me.

I wanted a good view of the prison, we weren't giving up on killing Dream yet. I made it to the roof and crouched down. I was looking for a weak spot or something. I couldn't just sneak them in the front, or could I? It would be too risky.

Mr Manifold appeared behind me out of breath. "You're....not allowed...here," he said between gasps. I rolled my eyes and kept studying the exterior of the prison. He opened his mouth to speak again but I shut him up before he got the chance. He crouched down beside me.

"What are we looking at?" He whispered. "We?" I laughed "what I'm doing doesn't concern you."

"Well if it's happening on the roof of my hotel, it does concern me."

"Then you'll be happy to know that this is Tommy's hotel and not yours."

His face grew red with anger. If had the chance to throw him off the roof I would willing to do that. I could patrol around the prison and look then. I only climbed onto the roof to annoy Jack.

I should leave my shift is going to start soon. I climbed off the roof without another word. I met Sam at the front desk. All I had to do is patrol and make sure the equipment was working.

I could sneak the guys in if they're invisible, or I could kill him myself if I really wanted to. Even though he's put everyone else through so much I don't think I could kill him. I'm too merciful. I did hate him but something made me understand why he did what he did.

You've gone soft.

I sat outside his cell, staring at the orange glow of the lava. I want to talk to him. I haven't seen him in 6 months.
Our relationship was rocky, kinda like a love-hate relationship but it was all jokes. Before he was locked up we grew pretty close. He lost his friends, kinda don't blame them though I was surprised. They always stuck by his side since they were kids.

You're not going to kill him.


My shift ended finally, I had no plans so I walked home again. I was kinda hoping to see Wilbur on the way. He said he and Tommy went to see Quackity in Las Nevadas.

I met Puffy instead. "Hey, I've been looking for you. Do you have time to talk?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'm not busy. What's up?"

"Can we talk somewhere more private? It's quite important." She sounded serious. I followed her to her house where she invited me in.

"You might want to sit down..."

Now she really started to worry me. Was someone hurt? Tommy and Tubbo?

"What's happened? Is everyone okay?"

"Oh, everyone is fine. I just wanted to tell you about your dad in case you didn't know."

"I know he's been revived, I was there."
Puffy shook her head. Did something else happen to Wilbur? He's not my biological dad but he adopted me. What else could she mean?

"I'm not talking about Wilbur... You wouldn't remember him, but it's about time you knew." She pulled a book out of one of the shelves and handed it to me. She took a seat beside me. "I'll explain everything best I can. Everything you need to know right now is in that book."


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