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Just a sweet chapter. :)

"Y/n?" He called out as he made his way towards me.

"Oh, hi Tommy!" I answered happily.

"Hey, I haven't seen you in a few days, are you doing okay?" He sounded genuinely concerned. He also looked terrible. He looked like he hasn't slept in a while, his hair is messy and his clothes look dirty.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay? You look pretty tired."

"Eh... I haven't slept in a day, it's not that big a deal."

I looked a lot longer than a day. It still doesn't explain the dirt on his face and clothes. I reached up and pulled a twig out of his hair. I threw him a concerned look.

"Okay so I may have been out for a while but I'm fine."

"Let me bring you home. You can get yourself cleaned up and get some rest."
I'm not raking no for an answer... I grabbed his hand and led him to his house.

Once we got there he walked inside and shut the door in my face. I swear people must forget I'm a ghost... Of course, I went straight through it.

Tommy was sat on the floor staring blankly at the wall. The last time Tommy was this quiet was the day Dream revived him. Something was seriously wrong.

I knelt beside him. "What's wrong?" I asked in the softest tone possible. I tried to place a hand on his shoulder but he moved away.

"C'mon you need to get cleaned up." I tried to take a leaf out of his hair but he pushed me away. "Let me help... Please."

He didn't give me an answer so I poked his side. He jumped naturally and gave me a look that said Stop it, I know what you're doing.

When we were younger I would tickle Tommy when he was upset to cheer him up. It worked every time. He looked up to me as a big sister maybe even a mother figure at times. Yes, I'm only 4 years older but I always felt the need to be a mother for him. I always help Wilbur with looking after Tommy. He was a handful.

Obviously, I wasn't going to listen to him and continued to poke him every couple of seconds.

"Y/n, stop. I'm warning you. I'll go feral and start stabbing shit."

I smirked before I lunged at him, pinning him to the ground. He let out a feminine scream. I started to tickle him non stop. He tried fighting me off but he was weak from laughing so hard.

"Y/n- please! I cant- I cant... Breath!" He managed to say between laughs.

I finally stopped letting him breathe. He lay on the floor still laughing. After a few minutes, he sat up.

"I guess I needed that... Thanks." He smiled.

"C'mon go take a shower I'll wait out here if you want."

Tommy nodded and walked off to the bathroom with clean clothes. I looked around the small room I was in. The bed sat in the corner unmade. There were a few items scattered around the floor like a shirt, some armour, a journal and a teddy bear?

I picked it up. Holy shit... I gave Tommys this for his 5th birthday. I thought he got rid of it when he was 11. It was still in good condition, only one of the button eyes was loose and falling off.

(Y/n's on her mom arc)
I made the bed and put the bear sitting on top of the pillow. I picked up the few clothes on the floor and put them into a basket making a mental note to clean them later. I then went around and picked up the armour. The blue chest plate glistened with enchantments. I place it onto its stand in the opposite corner of the room. I placed the journal on the desk so he could find it easily.

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