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You opened your eyes, your vision was blurry. As soon as Tommy saw you were awake he pulled you to your feet. You were oblivious to what had just happened. Bad kept asking how you felt growing more and more impatient everytime you didn't answer. He pulled Ant aside to speak to him. "Jesus y/n are you alright? You went out like a light." He was laughing to try cover up his nervousness. You were trying to eavesdrop on Bad and Ant, all you heard was "that's not a bad idea." What were they talking about? You were too tired to care.

"So Tommy, do you really not feel anything?" Tommy looked at you nervously not know what to say. " What? No,no i-i feel so much, yup I'm great, I'm fine. Egg good am I right?"  He was a shit liar. They both stood looking down on you and Tommy. You guys were fucked to say the least. Even with the adrenaline you felt weak and unable to move. Bad moved closer. "The Egg doesn't really like either of you.." He pulled out his sword.

Suddenly Tommy grabbed your arm roughly as he threw a pearl. You both teleported near the exit. Tommy started to block it as you went up. You could barely run you were so weak, tommy was practically carrying you. You managed to reach the surface with Bad and Ant not far behind. "Quick get to the hotel Sam Nook will help!" You kept running, Tommy was ahead and Bad was closing in. As you turned a corner you dove behind a tree, you hoped they would pass, and they did. 

You let out a sigh of relief and rested your head against the tree. It was raining, the sounds gave you some from of comfort and you calmed down a bit. You rested your eyes but soon fell asleep. You were awoken by a familiar voice. Sam Nook stood over you unfortunately for him you were half asleep and hadn't a clue what was going on. He decided to just pick you and carry you home. You fell asleep. Again ;-; (Seriously? How fucking tired were you?)

You felt yourself being placed on a bed. "Get some rest y/n, okay?" Sam said as he left the room. Finally you could sleep in peace. 


Yes a short one for now. It's like 1am I need sleep.

417 words 

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