
792 17 3

CW: [Panic Attacks] [Violence]


I took a step back in shock and bumped into someone. I spun around to see Tommy towering over me. He smiled down at me before looking back up at Tubbo. "Tubbo this is crazy" He said

"I know I'm so powerful right now!" He laughed. We followed him outside again and he locked the door. "I want to test them sometime soon." I shot Tommy a concerned look, he just shook his head and smiled. We walked over to Tubbo's house and went inside for a while. Tommy didn't speak much which was unusual for him. He never said anything about seeing Dream either. Did something happen with Dream? My mind began to race, I started to worry myself My thoughts were interrupted when Tommy placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay? You've been zoned out for a bit." Tommy said, he looked quite concerned.

"Yeah, sorry just lost in thought." I looked over at the clock. Shit it was 9.30pm, we've been there for a while. "Tommy I think we should get going it's getting late." He glanced over at the clock before standing up to leave. We said our goodbyes to Tubbo and started walking in the direction of Tommy's house. He was being awkwardly silent.

"So... how'd it go with Dream?" I said looking up at him.

"Um, Yeah it was okay I guess." He didn't try to make eye contact.

"What happened, you're acting different. Did he do something?"

"No no. He apologized.... doubt he actually meant it. When I asked how he felt he kept saying he was sad cause he lost his friends and missed me... He was almost nice to me"

Yeah that's weird he was 100% trying to make Tommy feel bad or some messed up shit.

"Tommy it's Dream of course he didn't mean it, he just wants you to pity him. Don't fall for his bullshit you know what he's like." We stopped walking, we were at his house now. He nodded and gave me a small smile.

"Yeah I know, it's ok i won't see him for a while anyways. Goodnight I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"Yep okay, Goodnight." I turned and continued walking down the prime path. I didn't really have a place of my own since Dream and Techno destroyed L'manberg. I didn't want to tell them I was homeless. Eret told me I could stay with him until I managed to get a place of my own. I didn't exactly want to but I didn't really have a choice, I could sleep outside but it was cold.

I walked inside, Eret wasn't to be seen. I didn't mind too much. I went up to the spare room he told me about. I walked in and collapsed onto the bed. I was completely exhausted, I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up suddenly. I sat up in the bed, I was confused unsure of why I just woke up. I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't alone. I turned on the light and looked around. Nothing. I look out the window and I peek down the hallway that lead to my room. Nothing. Then why did I feel like this again? Ever since that night I haven't slept properly. It's been months but it still gets me.

I sat back down on the bed still glancing around making sure I was alone. Just my mind playing trick again, right? I walked over and locked the door and the window just to be safe. I managed to calm down and go back to sleep.

I woke up again, but this time I wasn't in Eret's house. L'manberg? I was back in my old house. What the fuck? How? I walked over to my window. I was in L'manberg for sure. I heard a laugh come from behind me. My heart sank. I didn't dare look behind me, but I knew he was staring at me I could feel it. His footsteps were heavy, loud and slowly approaching. I'm just dreaming, I just need to wake up. C'mon WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP

His cold hand gripped my shoulder tightly. He chuckled to himself. "Are you sure you're dreaming?" His voice was deep and threatening. I kept looking out the window. I could see everyone, they all looked so happy.

"It looks so perfect, everyone's happy and enjoying life. It would be a shame if it were to....I don't know... end perhaps? Wouldn't it be fun to watch it all fall apart again?" He was enjoying this, I could hear it in his voice.

" What the fuck do you want from me. Haven't you tormented me enough?" My voice was shaking I was angry and scared. I was trying to hold back tears, I knew what he wanted, to see me suffer... He spun me around to look at him. Fuck. I could only see his mouth the rest of his face was covered with that stupid fucking white mask. He towered over me, I was terrified of him and he knew it.

I could see him start to smile. My heart was racing, I felt sick, I knew what he was doing. He put both his hands on my shoulders and spun me around to face the window. It had gone dark and cloudy. I could see the massive obsidian grid in the sky. Tears started forming in the corner of my eyes. He was going to force me to watch the country I once loved and fought for be blown to bits again. I watched as everyone began to panic, running around trying to stop them. The TNT began falling. I couldn't watch. I ducked under the window placing my hands over my ears. I began shaking and hyperventilating. I brought my knees to my chest and began crying.He just stood there silently laughing to himself.

The noise stopped. Dream crouched down beside me. I looked over at him with tears still streaming down my face. " why...? why do you do this to me?" I said in a whisper my voice still shaking. He just stared at my with that stupid fucking grin on his face.

Everything faded to black. I looked around, he was gone. I was just floating. "Dream?" I called out he didn't answer of course. I looked to my right. Tubbo was standing there, his eyes were red from crying. I tried to move over to him but I couldn't. I looked behind him to see Dream, he held his axe in his hand. I knew what was coming, I just want to wake up.

"Dream please.. don't hurt him please" I begged. I knew this was a nightmare but I didn't want to see my best friend die. Dream grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. He held the axe to his throat. Hearing Tubbos cry for help broke me I couldn't do anything but watch. He kept screaming my name. "DREAM PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM PLEASE, I NEED HIM HE'S EVERYTHING I HAVE!!" I begged but his smile just grew wider. He raised the axe above his head. I let out a scream before he swung his axe at him.

I jumped awake. My breathing was heavy, I was sweating like crazy and my heart was racing. I flicked on the light. I walked over to the window and opened it. The cool night air hit my face, it was relieving. Tears began rolling down my face. The thought of losing Tubbo to that bastard terrified me.

"fuck you Dream you bastard, you know what your doing." I said in a low voice not like he could hear me anyways. I closed the window and walked back to my bed I laid down and tried to get some rest. The clock read 4am. Hopefully I could get some rest.


1314 words

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